Waleed Khalid

About: Waleed Khalid

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Topics Handling
Course Name Lesson Name Complexity Length
Mental Capacity Act Module 5: Consultation Easy 4 mins
Mental Capacity Act Module 4: Treatment on the Basis of 'Best Interest' Easy 3 mins
Mental Capacity Act Module 3: Assessment of Capacity Easy 4 mins
Mental Capacity Act Module 2: Principles Easy 2 mins
Mental Capacity Act Module 1: Introduction Easy 3 mins
Mental Capacity Act Brief Description of Mental Capacity Act Easy 2 mins
Repeat Prescriptions Module 4: Issuing Prescriptions Easy 10 mins
Repeat Prescriptions Module 11: Summary Easy 30 mins
Repeat Prescriptions Module 5: Nursing/Care Homes Repeat Requests Easy 2 mins
Repeat Prescriptions Module 3: Responsibilities Easy 9 mins
Repeat Prescriptions Module 2: Medication Abbreviations Easy 1 mins
Repeat Prescriptions Module 1: Introduction Easy 2 mins
Repeat Prescriptions Brief Description of Repeat Prescriptions Easy 2 mins
Supporting People with a Learning Disability – Tier 1 Module 4: Risk, Legislation and Safeguarding Easy 50 mins
Supporting People with a Learning Disability – Tier 1 Module 3: Personalised Care and Support Easy 10 mins
Supporting People with a Learning Disability – Tier 1 Module 2: Health and Wellbeing Easy 23 mins
Supporting People with a Learning Disability – Tier 1 Module 1: An Understanding of ‘What is a Learning Disability?’ Easy 12 mins
Supporting People with a Learning Disability – Tier 1 Brief Description of Supporting People with a Learning Disability – Tier 1 Easy 2 mins
Carer Awareness Module 1: Who Are Carers? Easy 6 mins
Carer Awareness Module 2: Issues and Barriers Faced by Carers Easy 7 mins
Carer Awareness Module 3: Engaging with Carers Easy 10 mins
Carer Awareness Brief Description of Carer Awareness Easy 3 mins
Carer Awareness Module 4: Identify What Your Organisation can do to Support Carers and the Benefits Easy 22 mins
Consent Module 3: When is Consent Needed? Easy 22 mins
Consent Module 4: Refusal of treatment Easy 21 mins
Consent Module 2: Why is Consent Crucial? Easy 4 mins
Consent Module 1: Introduction Easy 3 mins
Consent Brief Description of Consent Easy 2 mins
Moving and Handling (Non Clinical) Module 5: Ergonomic Risk Assessment Easy 45 mins
Moving and Handling (Non Clinical) Module 4: Load Management Easy 10 mins
Moving and Handling (Non Clinical) Module 3: Principles of Safe Handling Easy 5 mins
Moving and Handling (Non Clinical) Module 2: Anatomy Easy 5 mins
Moving and Handling (Non Clinical) Module 1: Introduction Easy 6 mins
Moving and Handling (Non Clinical) Brief Description of Moving and Handling (Non Clinical) Easy 2 mins
Counter Fraud Module 5: Summary (Case Studies) Easy 43 mins
Counter Fraud Module 4: What To Do If You Suspect Fraud Easy 5 mins
Counter Fraud Module 3: Preventing Fraud Easy 7 mins
Counter Fraud Module 2: NHS Counter Fraud Authority Easy 4 mins
Counter Fraud Brief Description of Counter Fraud Easy 2 mins
Counter Fraud Module 1: Understanding Fraud Easy 6 mins
Accident and Incident Reporting Module 3: Accidents and Near-miss Incidents Easy 22 mins
Accident and Incident Reporting Module 2: RIDDOR Easy 1 mins
Accident and Incident Reporting Module 1: Accident and Incident Reporting Easy 3 mins
Accident and Incident Reporting Brief Description of Accident and Incident Reporting Easy 3 mins
Complaints Module 4: Handling a Complaint Easy 38 mins
Complaints Module 3: Receiving a Complaint Easy 6 mins
Complaints Module 2: Roles and Responsibilities Easy 2 mins
Complaints Module 1: Introduction Easy 2 mins
Complaints Brief Description of Complaints Easy 2 mins
Information Governance Brief Description of Information Governance Easy 2 mins
Information Governance Module 1: Introduction Easy 3 mins
Information Governance Module 2: Information and the Law Easy 4 mins
Information Governance Module 3: Informing People Easy 7 mins
Information Governance Module 4: Redaction Easy 7 mins
Information Governance Module 6: Breaches and Incidents Easy 5 mins
Information Governance Module 7: Disposal of Confidential Information Easy 37 mins
Information Governance Module 5: Data Security Threats Easy 4 mins
Accessible Information Standard Module 5: Considerations for Implementation Leads Easy 34 mins
Accessible Information Standard Module 4: The Impact of Implementing the Standard Easy 2 mins
Accessible Information Standard Module 3: The Key Requirements Easy 7 mins
Accessible Information Standard Module 2: The Scope of the Accessible Information Standard Easy 9 mins
Accessible Information Standard Module 1: Introduction Easy 7 mins
Accessible Information Standard Brief Description of Accessible Information Standard Easy 3 mins
Customer Care Brief Description of Customer Care Easy 2 mins
Customer Care Module 3: Effective Communication Easy 47 mins
Customer Care Module 2: Dealing with Customers Easy 11 mins
Customer Care Module 1: Introduction Easy 6 mins
Domestic Abuse Level 1 Module 2:Understanding Domestic Abuse Easy 22 mins
Domestic Abuse Level 1 Module 3: Recognising, Responding to, and Referring Domestic Abuse Easy 30 mins
Domestic Abuse Level 1 Module1:Introduction Easy 6 mins
Domestic Abuse Level 1 Brief Description of Domestic Abuse Level 1 Easy 2 mins
Food Hygiene Module 4: Good Working Practices Easy 27 mins
Food Hygiene Module 3: Food Contamination and its Prevention Easy 3 mins
Food Hygiene Module 2: Food Poisoning Easy 3 mins
Food Hygiene Brief Description of Food Hygine Easy 3 mins
Food Hygiene Module 1: Introduction Easy 3 mins
Maintaining the Cold Chain Module 6: Cold Chain Failure and Incident Reporting Easy 32 mins
Maintaining the Cold Chain Module 5: Transporting Vaccines Easy 2 mins
Maintaining the Cold Chain Module 4: Auditing and Monitoring of Stock Easy 2 mins
Maintaining the Cold Chain Module 3: Storage of Vaccines Easy 4 mins
Maintaining the Cold Chain Module 2: Receipt of Vaccines Easy 3 mins
Maintaining the Cold Chain Module 1: Introduction Easy 2 mins
Maintaining the Cold Chain Brief Description of Maintaining the Cold Chain Easy 2 mins
Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards Module 5: Supporting Friends and Family Members Easy 30 mins
Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards Module 3: What is Deprivation of Liberty? Easy 4 mins
Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards Module 2: Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards Easy 5 mins
Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards Module 4: Making a Standard Authorisation Application Easy 3 mins
Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards Module 1: Key Terms and Definition Easy 1 mins
Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards Brief Description of Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards Easy 2 mins
GDPR Awareness Module 1: Learning Outcomes Easy 35 mins
GDPR Awareness Brief Description of GDPR Awareness Easy 2 mins
Legionnaires' Disease Module 3: Legionella - Responsibilities Easy 2 mins
Legionnaires' Disease Module 5: Monitoring Easy 29 mins
Legionnaires' Disease Module 4: Risk Assessment Easy 7 mins
Legionnaires' Disease Module 2: Legionnaires' Disease Easy 10 mins
Legionnaires' Disease Module 1: Introduction Easy 3 mins
Legionnaires' Disease Brief Description of Legionnaires' Disease Easy 2 mins
Automated External Defibrillators (AED) Module 3: Discovering a Casualty Easy 30 mins
Automated External Defibrillators (AED) Module 2: Importance of Defibrillation Easy 4 mins
Automated External Defibrillators (AED) Module 1: Learning outcome Easy 3 mins
Automated External Defibrillators (AED) Brief Description of Automated External Defibrillators (AED) Easy 3 mins
Anaphylaxis Module 2: Mortality, Risk of Recurrence and Trends Easy 23 mins
Anaphylaxis Module 1: Learning Outcomes Easy 3 mins
Anaphylaxis Brief Description of Anaphylaxis Easy 2 mins
Fire Warden Training Module 4: Fire Safety Arrangements Easy 26 mins
Basic Life Support Level 1 Module 5: Paediatric Foreign Body Airway Obstruction Easy 10 mins
Sepsis Awareness Module 3: Recognising Sepsis Easy 23 mins
Sepsis Awareness Module 2: Who is at Risk? Easy 5 mins
Sepsis Awareness Module 1: What is Sepsis Easy 6 mins
Fire Warden Training Module 3: Fire Risk Assessment Easy 27 mins
Sepsis Awareness Brief Description of Sepsis Awareness Easy 2 mins
Basic Life Support Level 1 Module 6: Recovery Position Easy 33 mins
Basic Life Support Level 1 Module 4: Adult Foreign Body Airway Obstruction Easy 3 mins
Basic Life Support Level 1 Module 3: Paediatric Modifications To Adult Basic Life Support Easy 4 mins
Basic Life Support Level 1 Module 2: Adult Basic Life Support Easy 5 mins
Basic Life Support Level 1 Module 1: Introduction Easy 8 mins
Basic Life Support Level 1 Brief Description of Basic Life Support Level 1 Easy 2 mins
Fire Warden Training Module 5: Evacuation Procedures Easy 38 mins
Fire Warden Training Module 2: Understanding Fire Easy 16 mins
Fire Warden Training Module 1: Fire Warden Training Easy 8 mins
Fire Warden Training Brief Description of Fire Warden Training Easy 2 mins
Being Open Module 4: The Process Easy 13 mins
Preventing Radicalisation Module 5: Referral and Support Easy 38 mins
Preventing Radicalisation Module 4: Identifying Vulnerable People Easy 6 mins
Preventing Radicalisation Module 3: Vulnerability Easy 7 mins
Preventing Radicalisation Module 2: The contribution of health care sector to prevent Easy 3 mins
Preventing Radicalisation Module 1: Introduction Easy 6 mins
Preventing Radicalisation Brief Description of Prevent Radacalization Easy 2 mins
Health Navigation Module 4: The Service Directory Easy 2 mins
Health Navigation Module 5: Red Flags Easy 36 mins
Health Navigation Module 3: Effective Engagement Easy 3 mins
Health Navigation Module 2: Your Role as a Health Navigator Easy 13 mins
Health Navigation Module 1: Introduction Easy 4 mins
Health Navigation Brief Description of Health and Navigation Easy 2 mins
Being Open Module 5: Case Studies Easy 51 mins
Being Open Module 3: The Ten Principles of Being Open Easy 9 mins
Being Open Module 1: Introduction Easy 2 mins
Being Open Module 2: Being Open and the Benefits Easy 3 mins
Being Open Brief Description of Being Open Easy 2 mins
Conflict Resolution Module 4: Managing Violence and Aggression Easy 39 mins
Conflict Resolution Module 3: Conflict Resolution Easy 14 mins
Conflict Resolution Module 2: Risk Factors Easy 11 mins
Conflict Resolution Module 1: Introduction Easy 6 mins
Conflict Resolution Brief Description of Conflict Resolution Easy 2 mins
Moving and Handling People Brief Description of Moving and Handling People Easy 2 mins
Lockdown Procedure in Schools Module 11: Simple Measures and where to Seek Help Easy 6 mins
Lockdown Procedure in Schools Module 10: Home Office Police Requirements Easy 6 mins
Lockdown Procedure in Schools Module 9: Staff Lockdown Responsibilities Easy 6 mins
Lockdown Procedure in Schools Module 8: Possible Threat or Danger Easy 12 mins
Lockdown Procedure in Schools Module 7: Violent Intruder Lockdown Easy 12 mins
Lockdown Procedure in Schools Module 6: Possible Terminology Easy 6 mins
Lockdown Procedure in Schools Module 5: Communication Arrangements Easy 11 mins
Lockdown Procedure in Schools Module 4: Suitable Rooms for Lockdown Easy 6 mins
Lockdown Procedure in Schools Module 3: The Lockdown Signal and the all Clear Signal Easy 7 mins
Lockdown Procedure in Schools Module 2: Reasons for Lockdowns Easy 6 mins
Lockdown Procedure in Schools Module 1: Introduction and the Lockdown Officer Easy 6 mins
Lockdown Procedure in Schools Brief Descripiton of Lockdown Procedure in Schools Easy 2 mins
LinkedIn for Business Module 5: Measuring Success on LinkedIn Easy 6 mins
LinkedIn for Business Module 4: LinkedIn for Business Easy 6 mins
LinkedIn for Business Module 3: Using LinkedIn as an Individual Easy 14 mins
LinkedIn for Business Module 2: Creating your Individual LinkedIn Profile Easy 7 mins
LinkedIn for Business Module 1: Introduction Easy 12 mins
LinkedIn for Business Brief Description of LinkedIn for Business Easy 2 mins
Search Engine Optimization for Business Module 6: Pay Per Click (PPC) Easy 13 mins
Search Engine Optimization for Business Module 5: Local Search Easy 15 mins
Search Engine Optimization for Business Module 4: Social Media as part of SEO Easy 13 mins
Search Engine Optimization for Business Module 3: On-Site SEO Easy 12 mins
Paediatric First Aid Module 5: Fractures and Head Injuries Easy 13 mins
Search Engine Optimization for Business Module 2: Link Building Easy 12 mins
Search Engine Optimization for Business Module 1: Introduction to SEO Easy 15 mins
Search Engine Optimization for Business Brief Description of Search Engine Optimisation for Business Easy 2 mins
Working Within the Private Security Industry Module 6: Communication Skills and Customer Service Easy 15 mins
Working Within the Private Security Industry Module 5: Emergencies Easy 15 mins
Working Within the Private Security Industry Module 4: Fire Procedures Easy 15 mins
Working Within the Private Security Industry Module 3: Health and Safety Easy 16 mins
Working Within the Private Security Industry Module 2: Civil and Criminal Law Easy 13 mins
Working Within the Private Security Industry Module 1: Working in the Private Security Industry Easy 15 mins
Working Within the Private Security Industry Brief Description of Working Within the Private Security Industry Easy 2 mins
Working at Height Module 11: Course Summary Easy 12 mins
Working at Height Module 10: The Risk Assessment Easy 14 mins
Working at Height Module 9: Minimise Consequences Easy 14 mins
Working at Height Module 8: Prevent Risk of Falls Easy 13 mins
Working at Height Module 7: Avoiding Work at Height Wherever Possible Easy 12 mins
Working at Height Module 6: The Hierarchy of Control Easy 13 mins
Working at Height Module 5: Employer's Responsibilities Easy 14 mins
Working at Height Module 4: Summary of Duty Holder's Responsibilities Easy 12 mins
Working at Height Module 3: The Work at Height Regulations Easy 12 mins
Working at Height Module 2: The Dangers of Work at Height Easy 12 mins
Working at Height Module 1: Introducing Work at Height Easy 12 mins
Working at Height Brief Descripiton of Working at Height Easy 2 mins
Twitter for Business Module 3: Using Third-Party Applications Easy 15 mins
Twitter for Business Module 4: Being Social Easy 16 mins
Twitter for Business Module 2: Getting Started On Twitter Easy 15 mins
Twitter for Business Module 1: An Introduction to Twitter Easy 12 mins
Twitter for Business Brief Description of Twitter for Business Easy 2 mins
Time Management Module 6: Meetings and Summing Up Easy 7 mins
Time Management Module 5: Monkey Management Easy 14 mins
Time Management Module 4: Time Saving Methods Easy 11 mins
Time Management Module 3: Time Stealers and Interruptions Easy 15 mins
Time Management Module 2: The 6 Laws of Time Management Easy 14 mins
Time Management Module 1: Key Terms and the Benefits of Time Management Easy 15 mins
Time Management Brief Description of Time Management Easy 2 mins
Stress Management Module 4: Minimising the Risk of Stress Easy 12 mins
Stress Management Module 3: The Law on Stress and Its Contravention Easy 12 mins
Stress Management Module 2: The Causes and Symptoms of Stress Easy 12 mins
Stress Management Module 1: What Is Stress and Why Is it a Problem? Easy 12 mins
Stress Management Brief Description of Stress Management Easy 2 mins
Social Media Marketing Module 6: Handling Negative Feedback Easy 2 mins
Social Media Marketing Module 5: Social Media Policies Easy 2 mins
Social Media Marketing Module 4: Managing Campaigns Easy 3 mins
Social Media Marketing Module 3: Getting Started Easy 3 mins
Social Media Marketing Module 2: Business Benefits Easy 3 mins
Social Media Marketing Module 1: Introduction Easy 2 mins
Social Media Marketing Brief Description of Social Media Marketing Easy 2 mins
Social Media for Business Module 11: Is Social Media Worth It? Easy 10 mins
Social Media for Business Module 10: Bringing it all Together Easy 18 mins
Social Media for Business Module 9: Video Easy 8 mins
Social Media for Business Module 8: Blogging Easy 6 mins
Social Media for Business Module 7: Twitter Easy 12 mins
Social Media for Business Module 6: LinkedIn Easy 7 mins
Social Media for Business Module 5: Facebook Easy 11 mins
Social Media for Business Module 4: Websites and Microsites Easy 14 mins
Social Media for Business Module 3: Introduction to POST Methodology Easy 15 mins
Social Media for Business Module 2: What is Social Media? Easy 19 mins
Social Media for Business Brief Description of Social Media for Business Easy 2 mins
Social Media for Business Module 1: Introduction Easy 7 mins
Slips, Trips and Fall Prevention Module 4: Management Issues Easy 13 mins
Slips, Trips and Fall Prevention Module 3: Trip Hazards: Causes and Controls Easy 14 mins
Slips, Trips and Fall Prevention Module 2: Slip Hazards: Causes and Controls Easy 18 mins
Slips, Trips and Fall Prevention Module 1: Serious Facts and the Law Easy 14 mins
Slips, Trips and Fall Prevention Brief Description of Slips, Trips and Falls Easy 2 mins
Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Module 7: Case Studies Easy 13 mins
Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Module 6: The Law and Sexual Harassment Easy 14 mins
Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Module 5: Handling Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Easy 12 mins
Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Module 4: Policies and The Role of The Line Manager Easy 12 mins
Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Module 3: Dealing With A Complaint Easy 14 mins
Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Module 2: Examples and Research Easy 12 mins
Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Module 1: What Is Sexual Harassment? Easy 12 mins
Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Brief Description of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Easy 2 mins
Sales Skills Module 9: Closing the Sale Easy 13 mins
Sales Skills Module 8: Dealing With Objections Easy 13 mins
Sales Skills Module 7: Handling Negotiations Easy 12 mins
Sales Skills Module 6: Results Selling Easy 13 mins
Sales Skills Module 5: Sales Presentations Easy 13 mins
Sales Skills Module 4: Rapport Building Easy 12 mins
Sales Skills Module 3: Face-to-Face Meetings Easy 12 mins
Sales Skills Module 2: Cold Calling Easy 12 mins
Sales Skills Module 1: Basic Rules for Sales People Easy 14 mins
Sales Skills Brief Description of Sales Skills Easy 2 mins
Problem Solving in a Workplace Module 3: Successful Resolutions Easy 14 mins
Problem Solving in a Workplace Module 2: Problems With Tasks Easy 16 mins
Problem Solving in a Workplace Module 1: Introduction and People Problems Easy 14 mins
Problem Solving in a Workplace Brief Description of Problem Solving in a Workplace Easy 2 mins
Project Management Module 6: Monitoring Change, Stakeholders & Termination Easy 8 mins
Project Management Module 5: GANTT Charts, Budgets, Risks, and Issues Easy 13 mins
Project Management Module 4: Project Aims, Objectives and Initiation Easy 13 mins
Project Management Module 3: Identifying Needs, Aims and Objectives Easy 9 mins
Project Management Module 2: Terminology and Project Lifestyle Easy 15 mins
Project Management Module 1: Introducing Project Management Easy 12 mins
Project Management Brief Descripiton of Project Management Easy 2 mins
Presentation Skills Module 6: Learning Names Easy 12 mins
Presentation Skills Module 5: Listening Easy 12 mins
Presentation Skills Module 4: The Presentation Easy 14 mins
Presentation Skills Module 3: Visual Aids Easy 12 mins
Presentation Skills Module 2: Content Easy 12 mins
Presentation Skills Module 1: Presentation and its Structure Easy 12 mins
Presentation Skills Brief Description of Presentation Skills Easy 12 mins
Preparing for a Job Interview Module 2: Preparing for Questions Easy 12 mins
Preparing for a Job Interview Module 1: Preparation Easy 15 mins
Preparing for a Job Interview Brief Description of Preparing for a Job Interview Easy 2 mins
Personal Protective Equipment Module 1: Introduction Easy 13 mins
Personal Protective Equipment Module 2: Regulations & Responsibilities Easy 12 mins
Personal Protective Equipment Module 3: PPE in Practice Easy 12 mins
Personal Protective Equipment Module 4: Risk Assessment, Selection and Use Easy 12 mins
Personal Protective Equipment Module 5: Types of PPE Easy 16 mins
Personal Protective Equipment Module 6: Maintenance and replacement Easy 13 mins
Personal Protective Equipment Brief Description of Personal Protective Equipment Easy 2 mins
Preparation for the CITB Health, Safety and Environment Test Module 12: Electrical Safety, Tools and Equipment Easy 1 mins
Preparation for the CITB Health, Safety and Environment Test Module 13: Site Transport Safety and Lifting Operations Easy 3 mins
Preparation for the CITB Health, Safety and Environment Test Module 16: Hazardous Substances Easy 3 mins
Preparation for the CITB Health, Safety and Environment Test Module 15: Excavations and Confined Spaces Easy 2 mins
Preparation for the CITB Health, Safety and Environment Test Module 14: Working at Height Easy 4 mins
Preparation for the CITB Health, Safety and Environment Test Module 11: Fire Prevention and Control Easy 1 mins
Preparation for the CITB Health, Safety and Environment Test Module 10: Safety Warning Signs Easy 2 mins
Preparation for the CITB Health, Safety and Environment Test Module 9: Manual Handling Easy 1 mins
Preparation for the CITB Health, Safety and Environment Test Module 8: Health and Welfare Easy 5 mins
Preparation for the CITB Health, Safety and Environment Test Module 7: Noise and Vibration Easy 2 mins
Preparation for the CITB Health, Safety and Environment Test Module 6: Dust and Fumes (Respiratory Hazards) Easy 2 mins
Preparation for the CITB Health, Safety and Environment Test Module 5: Environmental Awareness and Waste Control Easy 2 mins
Preparation for the CITB Health, Safety and Environment Test Module 4: Personal Protective Equipment Easy 1 mins
Preparation for the CITB Health, Safety and Environment Test Module 3: First Aid and Emergency Procedures Easy 1 mins
Preparation for the CITB Health, Safety and Environment Test Module 2: Accident Reporting and Recording Easy 1 mins
Preparation for the CITB Health, Safety and Environment Test Module 1: General Responsibilities Easy 1 mins
Preparation for the CITB Health, Safety and Environment Test Brief Descripiton of Preparation for the CITB Health, Safety and Environment Test Easy 2 mins
Positive Handling in Schools Module 2: A Serious Business Easy 12 mins
Positive Handling in Schools Brief Description of Positive Handling in Schools Easy 2 mins
Positive Handling in Schools Module 1: The Course Structure Easy 1 mins
Positive Handling in Schools Module 3: The Aggression Curve Easy 12 mins
Positive Handling in Schools Module 5: Government Advice and Guidance Easy 13 mins
Positive Handling in Schools Module 4: The SCARF Model Easy 14 mins
Positive Handling in Schools Module 9: Screening, Searching and Confiscation Easy 12 mins
Positive Handling in Schools Module 8: Physical Intervention and Restraint Easy 14 mins
Positive Handling in Schools Module 7: The Law Easy 12 mins
Positive Handling in Schools Module 6: Making decisions: Duty of Care Easy 13 mins
Paediatric First Aid Module 9: First Aid Documentation and First Aid Kits Easy 12 mins
Paediatric First Aid Module 8: Minor Injuries Easy 16 mins
Paediatric First Aid Module 7: Specific Medical Conditions Easy 14 mins
Paediatric First Aid Module 6: Shock, Bleeding and Dressing Wounds Easy 16 mins
Paediatric First Aid Module 4: Basic Life Support Easy 15 mins
Paediatric First Aid Module 3: Essential First Aid Knowledge and Skills Easy 12 mins
Paediatric First Aid Module 2: Planning and Preparation Easy 7 mins
Paediatric First Aid Module 1: Introduction to Paediatric First Aid Easy 7 mins
Paediatric First Aid Brief Description of Paediatric First Aid Easy 2 mins
Objective Setting Module 3: Tips for Successful Objective Setting Easy 12 mins
Objective Setting Module 2: SMART Objectives Easy 13 mins
Objective Setting Module 1: Why Goals and Objectives are Important Easy 12 mins
Objective Setting Brief Description of Objective Setting Easy 2 mins
NVQ Unit - Moving, Handling and Storing Resources in the Workplace Module 5: Protecting Work from Damage Easy 7 mins
NVQ Unit - Moving, Handling and Storing Resources in the Workplace Module 4: Required Quantity and Quality of Resources Easy 13 mins
NVQ Unit - Moving, Handling and Storing Resources in the Workplace Module 3: Maintaining Safe Working Practices Easy 12 mins
NVQ Unit - Moving, Handling and Storing Resources in the Workplace Module 2: Complying with Legislation and Guidance Easy 10 mins
NVQ Unit - Moving, Handling and Storing Resources in the Workplace Module 1: Complying With Information Easy 12 mins
NVQ Unit - Moving, Handling and Storing Resources in the Workplace Brief Description of NVQ Unit - Moving, Handling and Storing Resources in the Workplace Easy 2 mins
NVQ Unit - Moving, Handling and Storing Resources in the Workplace Module 6: Completing Work Within the Allocated Time Easy 6 mins
NVQ Unit - Moving, Handling and Storing Resources in the Workplace Module 7: Complying with Occupational Resource Information Easy 6 mins
NVQ Unit - Erecting and Dismantling Working Platforms Module 4: Mobile Access Towers and MEWPs Easy 15 mins
NVQ Unit - Erecting and Dismantling Working Platforms Module 3: Fixed Scaffolding - Assembly and Dismantling Easy 15 mins
NVQ Unit - Erecting and Dismantling Working Platforms Module 2: Fixed Scaffolding Easy 13 mins
NVQ Unit - Erecting and Dismantling Working Platforms Module 1: Complying With Information and Legislation Easy 12 mins
NVQ Unit - Erecting and Dismantling Working Platforms Module 5: Safe Working Practices Easy 15 mins
NVQ Unit - Erecting and Dismantling Working Platforms Brief Description of NVQ Unit - Erecting and Dismantling Working Platforms Easy 2 mins
NVQ Unit - Conforming to Productive Working Practices in the Workplace Module 3: Completing and Maintaining Documentation Easy 12 mins
NVQ Unit - Conforming to Productive Working Practices in the Workplace Module 4: Maintaining Good Working Relationships Easy 15 mins
NVQ Unit - Conforming to Productive Working Practices in the Workplace Module 2: Working Productivly and Environmental Impact Easy 12 mins
NVQ Unit - Conforming to Productive Working Practices in the Workplace Brief Description of NVQ Unit - Conforming to Productive Working Practices in the Workplace Easy 2 mins
NVQ Unit - Conforming to Productive Working Practices in the Workplace Module 1: Communicating With Others Easy 12 mins
NVQ Unit - Conforming to General Health, Safety and Welfare in the Workplace Module 1: Complying with Legislation Easy 12 mins
NVQ Unit - Conforming to General Health, Safety and Welfare in the Workplace Brief Description of NVQ Unit - Conforming to General Health, Safety and Welfare in the Workplace Easy 2 mins
NVQ Unit - Conforming to General Health, Safety and Welfare in the Workplace Module 5: Security Arrangements and Procedures Easy 12 mins
NVQ Unit - Conforming to General Health, Safety and Welfare in the Workplace Module 4: Working Responsibly Easy 12 mins
NVQ Unit - Conforming to General Health, Safety and Welfare in the Workplace Module 2: Recognising Hazards in the Workplace Easy 12 mins
NVQ Unit - Conforming to General Health, Safety and Welfare in the Workplace Module 3: Complying with Policies and Procedures Easy 12 mins
Noise Awareness Module 7: Information and Health Surveillance Easy 12 mins
Noise Awareness Module 6: Personal Protective Equipment Easy 12 mins
Noise Awareness Module 5: Prioritising Controls Easy 7 mins
Noise Awareness Module 4: Action Plans Easy 12 mins
Noise Awareness Module 3: Health Risks Easy 13 mins
Noise Awareness Module 2: Legislation Easy 12 mins
Noise Awareness Module 1: Noise in the Workplace Easy 12 mins
Noise Awareness Brief Description of Noise Awareness Easy 2 mins
Negotiation Module 4: The Negotiation Easy 12 mins
Negotiation Module 3: Negotiating Positions Easy 12 mins
Negotiation Module 2: The Key Negotiation Stages and Skills Easy 11 mins
Negotiation Module 1: What is Negotiation? Easy 12 mins
Negotiation Berief Description of Negotiation Easy 2 mins
Mental Health First Aid Module 6: Employees' Role: Part 2 Easy 13 mins
Mental Health First Aid Module 7: Employees' Role: Part 3 Easy 13 mins
Mental Health First Aid Module 5: Employees' Role: Part 1 Easy 14 mins
Mental Health First Aid Module 4: The Role of Management Easy 14 mins
Mental Health First Aid Module 3: Employers' Role Easy 10 mins
Mental Health First Aid Module 2: Stress Easy 14 mins
Mental Health First Aid Module 1: Introduction Easy 13 mins
Mental Health First Aid Brief Description of Mental Health First Aid Easy 2 mins
Moving and Handling People Module 9: Sitting a Patient Up Easy 13 mins
Moving and Handling People Module 13: More Hoisting Techniques Easy 12 mins
Moving and Handling People Module 12: More Hoisting Practicalities Easy 13 mins
Moving and Handling People Module 8: Other Patient Manoeuvres Easy 13 mins
Moving and Handling People Module 10: Hoisting Easy 14 mins
Moving and Handling People Module 11: Checking the Hoist Easy 13 mins
Moving and Handling People Module 7: Bed Mobility Easy 13 mins
Moving and Handling People Module 6: Fitting and Using a Flat or Tubular Slide Sheet Easy 11 mins
Moving and Handling People Module 5: Avoiding and Dealing with Patient Falls Easy 12 mins
Moving and Handling People Module 4: Transferring and Walking Easy 12 mins
Moving and Handling People Module 3: Practical Skills Easy 13 mins
Moving and Handling People Module 2: Moving and Handling Assessments Easy 13 mins
Moving and Handling People Module 1: The Principles of Safer Patient Handling Easy 12 mins
Managing Occupational Health and Wellbeing Module 8: Creating A Culture Easy 13 mins
Managing Occupational Health and Wellbeing Module 7: Managing Absence Easy 16 mins
Managing Occupational Health and Wellbeing Module 6: Substance Misuse Easy 14 mins
Managing Occupational Health and Wellbeing Module 5: Employee Well-being Easy 16 mins
Managing Occupational Health and Wellbeing Module 4: Long-Term Personal or Health Conditions Easy 15 mins
Managing Occupational Health and Wellbeing Module 3: The Health Risk Assessment Process Easy 9 mins
Managing Occupational Health and Wellbeing Module 2: Health Risk Assessments Easy 7 mins
Managing Occupational Health and Wellbeing Module 1: Occupational Health Basics Easy 14 mins
Managing Occupational Health and Wellbeing Brief Description of Managing Occupational Health and Wellbeing Easy 2 mins
Managing Sickness and Absence Brief Description of Managing Sickness and Absence Easy 2 mins
Managing Sickness and Absence Module 1: The Costs and Impact of Employee Absence Easy 12 mins
Managing Sickness and Absence Module 2: Measuring and Managing Employee Absence Easy 12 mins
Managing Sickness and Absence Module 3: Legislation, Processes, and Pay Easy 14 mins
Managing Meetings Module 5: Techniques for Resolving Conflict Easy 12 mins
Managing Meetings Module 6: Making Decisions Easy 12 mins
Managing Meetings Brief Description of Managing Meetings Easy 2 mins
Managing Meetings Module 3: Preparing an Agenda Easy 12 mins
Managing Meetings Module 4: Problems and How to Deal With Them Easy 12 mins
Managing Meetings Module 1: The Basics Easy 12 mins
Managing Meetings Module 2: Planning Easy 14 mins
Level 1 Health and Safety in a Construction Environment (Leading to CSCS Green Card) Brief Description of Level 1 Health and Safety in a Construction Environment (Leading to C S C S Green Card) Easy 2 mins
Level 1 Health and Safety in a Construction Environment (Leading to CSCS Green Card) Module 1: Introduction Easy 7 mins
Level 1 Health and Safety in a Construction Environment (Leading to CSCS Green Card) Module 2: Hazards, Risks, Assessments and Controls Easy 8 mins
Level 1 Health and Safety in a Construction Environment (Leading to CSCS Green Card) Module 3: Slips, Trips, Falls and Working at Height Easy 8 mins
Level 1 Health and Safety in a Construction Environment (Leading to CSCS Green Card) Module 4: Manual handling Easy 12 mins
Level 1 Health and Safety in a Construction Environment (Leading to CSCS Green Card) Module 5: Plant, Machinery and Noise Easy 14 mins
Level 1 Health and Safety in a Construction Environment (Leading to CSCS Green Card) Module 6: Respiratory Risks Easy 12 mins
Level 1 Health and Safety in a Construction Environment (Leading to CSCS Green Card) Module 7: Fire, Electricity and Gas Safety Easy 13 mins
Level 1 Health and Safety in a Construction Environment (Leading to CSCS Green Card) Module 8: Chemicals and Other Onsite Hazards Easy 7 mins
Level 1 Health and Safety in a Construction Environment (Leading to CSCS Green Card) Module 9: Vehicles, PPE and General Safety Easy 14 mins
Level 1 Health and Safety in a Construction Environment (Leading to CSCS Green Card) Module 10: Your Pathway to Your CSCS Card Easy 1 mins
Level 1 Food Safety - Manufacturing Module 4: Pests, Premises and People Easy 7 mins
Level 1 Food Safety - Manufacturing Module 1: Food Safety Legislation Easy 24 mins
Level 1 Food Safety - Manufacturing Brief Description of Level 1 Food Safety - Manufacturing Easy 2 mins
Level 1 Food Safety - Manufacturing Module 2: Hazards from Delivery to Service Easy 15 mins
Level 1 Food Safety - Manufacturing Module 3: Risk Control (Prevention of Contamination) Easy 16 mins
Leadership Skills Module 6: Moving Forward Together Easy 13 mins
Leadership Skills Module 5: Communicating One-to-One with Individuals Easy 26 mins
Leadership Skills Module 4: Individuals Within Teams Easy 13 mins
Leadership Skills Module 3: Team Development and Leadership Easy 12 mins
Leadership Skills Module 2: Leadership Theories Easy 13 mins
Leadership Skills Module 1: Leadership and Management Easy 17 mins
Leadership Skills Brief Description of Leadership Skills Easy 2 mins
Introduction to Risk Assessment Module 6: Evaluating Risk - The Practicalities Easy 13 mins
Introduction to Risk Assessment Module 7: Recording and Reviewing Easy 11 mins
Introduction to Risk Assessment Module 8: Management and Responsibilities Easy 7 mins
Introduction to Risk Assessment Module 5: Who Might Be Harmed and Evaluating the Risks Easy 13 mins
Introduction to Risk Assessment Module 4: Identifying Hazards Easy 8 mins
Introduction to Risk Assessment Module 3: Strategy - Options and Elements Easy 13 mins
Introduction to Risk Assessment Module 2: Legislation, Regulation and Civil Law Easy 12 mins
Introduction to Risk Assessment Module 1: The Basics Easy 12 mins
Introduction to Risk Assessment Brief Description of Introduction to Risk Assessment Easy 2 mins
Introduction to Personal Safety for Lone Workers Module 4: Personal Safety Solutions Easy 13 mins
Introduction to Personal Safety for Lone Workers Module 3: Assessing the Risks Easy 13 mins
Introduction to Personal Safety for Lone Workers Module 1: Lone Worker Personal Safety: The Basics Easy 12 mins
Introduction to Personal Safety for Lone Workers Module 2: The Law: Responsibilities Easy 11 mins
Introduction to Personal Safety for Lone Workers Module 5: Practical Tips to Avoid Conflict Easy 12 mins
Introduction to Personal Safety for Lone Workers Module 6: Reporting and Recording Incidents Easy 12 mins
Introduction to Personal Safety for Lone Workers Brief Description of Introduction to Personal Safety for Lone Workers Easy 2 mins
Introduction to Emotional Intelligence Brief Description Introduction to Emotional Intelligence Easy 2 mins
Introduction to Emotional Intelligence Module 1: What is Emotional Intelligence? Easy 14 mins
Introduction to Emotional Intelligence Module 3: Emotional Intelligence at work Easy 13 mins
Introduction to Emotional Intelligence Module 2: Understanding and recognising emotions Easy 13 mins
Introduction to Emotional Intelligence Module 4: Tips for dealing with emotions at work Easy 13 mins
Introduction to Early Years Foundation Stage Module 4: Ofsted Easy 12 mins
Introduction to Early Years Foundation Stage Module 3: Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements Easy 15 mins
Introduction to Early Years Foundation Stage Module 2: Observations & Assessment Easy 13 mins
Introduction to Early Years Foundation Stage Module 1: Introduction to EYFS Easy 16 mins
Introduction to Early Years Foundation Stage Brief Description of Introduction to Early Years Foundation Stage Easy
Fire Marshal for Care Homes Module 16: Using a Fire Extinguisher Easy 4 mins
Fire Marshal for Care Homes Module 15: Pre-Engagement Action Easy 6 mins
Fire Marshal for Care Homes Module 14: Fire Extinguishers Easy 8 mins
Fire Marshal for Care Homes Module 13: Fire Drills and Evacuation Easy 6 mins
Fire Marshal for Care Homes Module 12: Action on Fire Discovery Easy 8 mins
Fire Marshal for Care Homes Module 11: Role of the Fire Marshal Easy 7 mins
Fire Marshal for Care Homes Module 7: Current Fire Safety Legislation Easy 16 mins
Fire Marshal for Care Homes Module 6: Fire Statistics Easy 7 mins
Fire Marshal for Care Homes Module 9: Preventative Measures Easy 6 mins
Fire Marshal for Care Homes Module 8: Fire Risk Assessment Easy 13 mins
Fire Marshal for Care Homes Module 10: Safety Features within Buildings Easy 12 mins
Fire Marshal for Care Homes Module 5: What to do in Cases of Fire? Easy 7 mins
Fire Marshal for Care Homes Module 4: Introduction to Fire Extinguishers Easy 7 mins
Fire Marshal for Care Homes Module 3: Basic Safety Features in Buildings Easy 12 mins
Fire Marshal for Care Homes Module 2: Common Causes of Fire Easy 7 mins
Fire Marshal for Care Homes Module 1: Chemistry of Fire Easy 11 mins
Fire Marshal for Care Homes Brief Description of Fire Marshal for Care Homes Easy 2 mins
Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome Module 6: The Importance of Health Surveillance Easy 12 mins
Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome Module 5: What Does the Law Say? Easy 11 mins
Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome Module 4: How Can I Reduce the Risk? Easy 12 mins
Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome Module 3: When am I at Risk? Easy 12 mins
Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome Module 2: What are the Symptoms of HAVS? Easy 12 mins
Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome Brief Description of Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome Easy 2 mins
Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome Module 1: What is Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome (HAVS)? Easy 11 mins
Fire Extinguisher Module 3: Using a Fire Extinguisher Easy 4 mins
Fire Extinguisher Module 2: Pre-Engagement Action Easy 7 mins
Fire Extinguisher Module 1: Fire Extinguishers Easy 8 mins
Fire Extinguisher Brief Description of Fire Extinguisher Easy 2 mins
Environmental Awareness Module 5: Life-cycle and Recycling Easy 8 mins
Environmental Awareness Module 7: Water Resource Management and Controls Easy 13 mins
Environmental Awareness Module 6: Waste Management Easy 10 mins
Environmental Awareness Module 3: Environmental Laws and Legislation Easy 13 mins
Environmental Awareness Module 4: Environmental Management Easy 14 mins
Environmental Awareness Module 2: Climate Change Easy 13 mins
Environmental Awareness Module 1: Introduction Easy 11 mins
Environmental Awareness Brief Description of Environmental Awareness Easy 2 mins
Facebook for Business Module 8: Getting Website Traffic from Facebook Easy 13 mins
Facebook for Business Module 7: Facebook Advertising Easy 6 mins
Facebook for Business Module 6: Getting People to your Brand Page Easy 14 mins
Facebook for Business Module 5: Custom Applications Easy 11 mins
Facebook for Business Module 4: Adding Content to your Brand Page Easy 13 mins
Facebook for Business Module 1: An Introduction to Facebook Easy 2 mins
Facebook for Business Module 3: Administrating Your Facebook Brand Page Easy 2 mins
Facebook for Business Module 2: Setting up a Facebook Brand Page Easy 3 mins
Facebook for Business Brief Description of Facebook for Business Easy 2 mins
Emergency First Aid at Work For Irish Audiences Module 16: Heart Attack and Stroke Easy 6 mins
Emergency First Aid at Work For Irish Audiences Module 15: Epilepsy, Anaphylaxis and Diabetes Easy 6 mins
Emergency First Aid at Work For Irish Audiences Module 14: Eye Injuries Easy 6 mins
Emergency First Aid at Work For Irish Audiences Module 13: Electric Shock Easy 6 mins
Emergency First Aid at Work For Irish Audiences Module 12: Burns and Scalds Easy 7 mins
Emergency First Aid at Work For Irish Audiences Module 11: Incident Management Easy 6 mins
Emergency First Aid at Work For Irish Audiences Module 10: Sprains Easy 6 mins
Emergency First Aid at Work For Irish Audiences Module 9: Head Injuries Easy 12 mins
Emergency First Aid at Work For Irish Audiences Module 8: Breaks Easy 6 mins
Emergency First Aid at Work For Irish Audiences Module 7: Spinal Injuries Easy 6 mins
Emergency First Aid at Work For Irish Audiences Module 6: Shock Easy 6 mins
Emergency First Aid at Work For Irish Audiences Module 5: Bleeding Easy 6 mins
Emergency First Aid at Work For Irish Audiences Module 4: Choking Easy 6 mins
Emergency First Aid at Work For Irish Audiences Module 3: CPR and AED Easy 11 mins
Emergency First Aid at Work For Irish Audiences Module 2: Barriers, ABCDs and The Recovery Position Easy 11 mins
Emergency First Aid at Work For Irish Audiences Module 1: What is First Aid? Easy 6 mins
Emergency First Aid at Work For Irish Audiences Brief Description of Emergency First Aid at Work For Irish Audiences Easy 2 mins
Emergency First Aid at Work - Online Annual Refresher Module 12: Burns and Scalds Easy 7 mins
Emergency First Aid at Work - Online Annual Refresher Module 13: Electric Shock Easy 6 mins
Emergency First Aid at Work - Online Annual Refresher Module 11: Incident Management Easy 7 mins
Emergency First Aid at Work - Online Annual Refresher Module 10: Sprains Easy 6 mins
Emergency First Aid at Work - Online Annual Refresher Module 16: Heart Attack and Stroke Easy 6 mins
Emergency First Aid at Work - Online Annual Refresher Module 9: Head Injuries Easy 12 mins
Emergency First Aid at Work - Online Annual Refresher Module 15: Epilepsy, Anaphylaxis and Diabetes Easy 7 mins
Emergency First Aid at Work - Online Annual Refresher Module 14: Eye Injuries Easy 6 mins
Emergency First Aid at Work - Online Annual Refresher Module 4: Choking Easy 6 mins
Emergency First Aid at Work - Online Annual Refresher Module 5: Bleeding Easy 6 mins
Emergency First Aid at Work - Online Annual Refresher Module 6: Shock Easy 6 mins
Emergency First Aid at Work - Online Annual Refresher Module 8: Breaks Easy 6 mins
Emergency First Aid at Work - Online Annual Refresher Module 7: Spinal Injuries Easy 6 mins
Emergency First Aid at Work - Online Annual Refresher Module 3: CPR and AED Easy 11 mins
Emergency First Aid at Work - Online Annual Refresher Module 2: Barriers, ABCDs and The Recovery Position Easy 11 mins
Emergency First Aid at Work - Online Annual Refresher Module 1: What is First Aid? Easy 6 mins
Emergency First Aid at Work - Online Annual Refresher Brief Description of Emergency First Aid at Work - Online Annual Refresher Easy
Electrical Safety Module 5: PAT Testing Standards and Guidance Easy 3 mins
Electrical Safety Module 4: Legislation, Standards and Key Steps Easy 12 mins
Electrical Safety Brief Description of Electrical Safety Easy 2 mins
Electrical Safety Module 3: How Electricity Can Cause Harm Easy 13 mins
Electrical Safety Module 2: What is Electricity? Easy 12 mins
Electrical Safety Module 1: Overview and Benefits of Electricity Easy 7 mins
Effective Delegation Module 9: Completion, follow-up and evaluation Easy 13 mins
Effective Delegation Module 8: The process of delegation Easy 14 mins
Effective Delegation Module 7: Who you should delegate to Easy 7 mins
Effective Delegation Module 6: Choosing what to delegate Easy 12 mins
Effective Delegation Module 5: Overcoming the barriers to delegation Easy 13 mins
Effective Delegation Module 3: Elements of delegation Easy 12 mins
Effective Delegation Module 4: The benefits of delegation Easy 12 mins
Effective Delegation Module 2: What is delegation, why is it so important? Easy 10 mins
Effective Delegation Module 1: The course structure Easy 1 mins
Effective Delegation Brief Description of Effective Delegation Easy 2 mins
Drug and Alcohol Awareness Module 8: Drug Treatment Services and Further Support Easy 13 mins
Drug and Alcohol Awareness Module 7: Company Best Practice Part 3 Easy 8 mins
Drug and Alcohol Awareness Module 6: Company Best Practice Part 2 Easy 13 mins
Drug and Alcohol Awareness Module 5: Company Best Practice Part 1 Easy 13 mins
Drug and Alcohol Awareness Module 4: Alcohol Misuse Easy 8 mins
Drug and Alcohol Awareness Module 3: Illegal Drugs Part 2 Easy 14 mins
Drug and Alcohol Awareness Module 2: Illegal Drugs Part 1 Easy
Drug and Alcohol Awareness Module 1: Statistics and Signs of Misuse Easy 13 mins
Drug and Alcohol Awareness Brief Description of Drug and Alcohol Awareness Easy 2 mins
Display Screen Equipment Awareness Module 9: Final Assessment Easy 6 mins
Display Screen Equipment Awareness Module 8: Adjusting Your Work Environment Easy 14 mins
Display Screen Equipment Awareness Module 6: Work Arrangements Easy 13 mins
Display Screen Equipment Awareness Module 7: Adjusting the Layout of Your Workstation Easy
Display Screen Equipment Awareness Module 5: Adjusting Your Screen Easy 13 mins
Display Screen Equipment Awareness Module 4: Adjusting Your Chair Easy 12 mins
Display Screen Equipment Awareness Module 3: Protecting Your Body Easy 12 mins
Display Screen Equipment Awareness Module 2: Legislation Easy 13 mins
Display Screen Equipment Awareness Brief Description of Display Screen Equipment Awareness Easy 2 mins
Display Screen Equipment Awareness Module 1: Introduction Easy 12 mins
The Principles of Performance Management Module 7: Evaluation, Monitoring, Feedback and Coaching Easy 14 mins
The Principles of Performance Management Module 6: Motivation Easy 7 mins
The Principles of Performance Management Module 5: Implementation Easy 8 mins
The Principles of Performance Management Module 4: Setting Goals, Objectives and Targets Easy 14 mins
The Principles of Performance Management Module 3: Successful Performance Management Planning Easy 18 mins
The Principles of Performance Management Module 2: Definition and Benefits Easy 15 mins
The Principles of Performance Management Brief Description of The Principles of Performance Management Easy 2 mins
The Principles of Performance Management Module 1: The Course Structure Easy 2 mins
Disciplinary Procedures Module 5: Holding Disciplinary Hearings and Case Study Easy 12 mins
Disciplinary Procedures Module 4: Penalties, Their Effects, And Appeals Easy 12 mins
Disciplinary Procedures Module 3: Notification of a Hearing and Procedure Easy 12 mins
Disciplinary Procedures Module 2: Investigations, Allegations and Suspensions Easy 12 mins
Disciplinary Procedures Module 1: Disciplinary Procedure and Confidentiality Easy 12 mins
Disciplinary Procedures Brief Description of Disciplinary Procedures Easy 2 mins
Developing Teamwork Module 4: Resilience Easy 13 mins
Developing Teamwork Module 3: Management Behaviour Easy 14 mins
Developing Teamwork Module 2: Conflict Easy 11 mins
Developing Teamwork Module 1: What is Team Working? Easy 12 mins
Developing Teamwork Brief Description of Developing Teamwork Easy 2 mins
Developing Good Employee Relations Module 7: Complaints, Discipline and Negativity Easy 15 mins
Developing Good Employee Relations Module 6: Recruitment, Retention and Training Easy 7 mins
Developing Good Employee Relations Module 5: Managing Performance Easy 12 mins
Developing Good Employee Relations Module 4: Employee Handbook Easy 12 mins
Developing Good Employee Relations Module 3: Contracts Easy 12 mins
Developing Good Employee Relations Module 2: Implementation and HR Easy 12 mins
Developing Good Employee Relations Module 1: Good Employee Relations Easy 14 mins
Developing A Workplace Mental Health Policy Module 2: Implementing a Workplace Mental Health Policy Easy 13 mins
Developing A Workplace Mental Health Policy Module 1: Introduction Easy 11 mins
Developing Good Employee Relations Brief Description of Developing Good Employee Relations Easy 2 mins
Developing A Workplace Mental Health Policy Brief Description of Developing A Workplace Mental Health Policy Easy 2 mins
Depression Awareness Module 5: Depression Management and Support: Part 2 Easy 12 mins
Depression Awareness Module 4: Depression Management and Support: Part 1 Easy 14 mins
Depression Awareness Module 3: Effects on the Individual, Family and Friends Easy 7 mins
Depression Awareness Module 2: The Causes of Depression Easy 14 mins
Depression Awareness Module 1: Introduction Easy 13 mins
Depression Awareness Brief Description of Depression Awareness Easy 2 mins
Cyber Security Module 4: Working From Home Easy 15 mins
Cyber Security Module 3: Data security Easy 13 mins
Cyber Security Module 2: Combating Cyber Attacks Easy 19 mins
Cyber Security Module 1: Cyber Security - An Overview Easy 15 mins
Cyber Security Brief Description of Cyber Security Easy 2 mins
Customer Service Module 9: Dealing with Customer Complaints Easy 14 mins
Customer Service Module 8: Non-Verbal Communication and Body Language Easy 13 mins
Customer Service Module 7: Communication Skills Easy 16 mins
Customer Service Module 6: Making Customers Feel Great from the Start Easy 12 mins
Customer Service Module 5: Delivering Maximum Levels of Customer Service Easy 15 mins
Customer Service Module 4: Discovering and Understanding Customer Needs Easy 13 mins
Customer Service Module 3: The Goals of Great Customer Service Easy 13 mins
Customer Service Module 2: What is Customer Service Easy 14 mins
Customer Service Module 1: About the Course Easy 3 mins
Covid-19 Safe Workplaces Module 3: Covid-19 In the Daily Work Environment Easy 17 mins
Covid-19 Safe Workplaces Module 2: Covid-19 Risk Assessment and Personal Safety Easy 17 mins
Covid-19 Safe Workplaces Module 1: The Covid-19 Virus Easy 17 mins
Conflict Resolution in the Workplace Module 6: Making Positive Outcomes Easy 6 mins
Conflict Resolution in the Workplace Module 4: Using the Modes Easy 7 mins
Conflict Resolution in the Workplace Module 5: Assertiveness Easy 12 mins
Conflict Resolution in the Workplace Module 3: The Five Conflict Modes Easy 7 mins
Conflict Resolution in the Workplace Module 2: Resolving Conflict Easy 7 mins
Conflict Resolution in the Workplace Module 1: The causes and symptoms of conflict at work Easy 7 mins
Customer Service Brief Description of Customer Service Easy 2 mins
Covid-19 Safe Workplaces Brief Description of Covid-19 Safe Workplaces Easy 2 mins
Conflict Resolution in the Workplace Brief Description of Conflict Resolution in the Workplace Easy 2 mins
Children and Young People's Mental Health Module 8: Support Easy 14 mins
Children and Young People's Mental Health Module 7: Prognoses and outcomes Easy 12 mins
Children and Young People's Mental Health Module 6: Diagnosis and treatments Easy 11 mins
Children and Young People's Mental Health Module 5: Signs of Mental Illness in Children and Young People Easy 10 mins
Children and Young People's Mental Health Module 4: Mental illnesses in children and young adults: Part 3 Easy 10 mins
Children and Young People's Mental Health Module 3: Mental Illnesses in Children and Young Adults: Part 2 Easy 12 mins
Children and Young People's Mental Health Module 2: Mental Illnesses in Children and Young Adults: Part 1 Easy 17 mins
Children and Young People's Mental Health Module 1: Introduction Easy 14 mins
CDM Awareness Module 5: Example Projects and Summary Easy 16 mins
CDM Awareness Module 4: Duties and Legal Documents Easy 17 mins
CDM Awareness Module 3: Duty Holders and Documents Easy 15 mins
CDM Awareness Module 2: CDM Application and Notification Easy 13 mins
CDM Awareness Module 1: Legislation Easy 14 mins
Behavioral Safety Module 5: Ensuring Positive Workforce Attitudes Easy 13 mins
Behavioral Safety Module 4: Setting Up a Programme Easy 19 mins
Behavioral Safety Module 3: How Behavioural Safety Works Easy 17 mins
Behavioral Safety Module 2: Essential Terms and Business Benefits Easy 16 mins
Behavioral Safety Module 1: Introduction Easy 9 mins
Children and Young People's Mental Health Brief Description of Children and Young People's Mental Health Easy 2 mins
CDM Awareness Brief Description of CDM Awareness Easy 2 mins
Behavioral Safety Brief Description of Behavioural Safety Easy 2 mins
Basic Legionella Management Module 6: Cooling System Awareness Easy 21 mins
Basic Legionella Management Module 5: Water System Monitoring Easy 24 mins
Basic Legionella Management Module 4: Risk Management Easy 14 mins
Basic Legionella Management Module 3: Legislation Easy 16 mins
Basic Legionella Management Module 2: Risk Areas Easy 13 mins
Basic Legionella Management Module 1: What is Legionella? Easy 15 mins
Basic Legionella Management Brief Description of Basic Legionella Management Easy 2 mins
Basic Fire Safety Awareness for Care Homes Module 5: What to do in Cases of Fire? Easy 7 mins
Basic Fire Safety Awareness for Care Homes Module 4: Introduction to Fire Extinguishers Easy 13 mins
Basic Fire Safety Awareness for Care Homes Module 3: Basic Safety Features in Buildings Easy 12 mins
Basic Fire Safety Awareness for Care Homes Module 2: Common Causes of Fire Easy 13 mins
Basic Fire Safety Awareness for Care Homes Module 1: Chemistry of Fire Easy 13 mins
Basic Fire Safety Awareness for Care Homes Brief Description of Basic Fire Safety Awareness for Care Homes Easy 2 mins
Basic Fire Safety Awareness Module 5: What to do in Cases of Fire? Easy 12 mins
Basic Fire Safety Awareness Module 4: Introduction to Fire Extinguishers Easy 13 mins
Basic Fire Safety Awareness Module 3: Basic Safety Features in Buildings Easy 12 mins
Basic Fire Safety Awareness Module 2: Common Causes of Fire Easy 13 mins
Basic Fire Safety Awareness Module 1: Chemistry of Fire Easy 13 mins
Basic Fire Safety Awareness Brief Description of Basic Fire Safety Awareness Easy 2 mins
Banksman Training Module 3: Safety Checks and Signals Easy 15 mins
Banksman Training Module 2: Further Controls and Responsible Actions Easy 16 mins
Banksman Training Module 1: Controls to Reduce the likelihood of Accidents Easy 18 mins
Banksman Training Brief Description of Banksman Training Easy 2 mins
Asbestos Awareness for Architects and Designers Module 5: Content for Architects and Designers Easy 16 mins
Asbestos Awareness for Architects and Designers Module 4: An Outline of Asbestos Legislation Easy 17 mins
Asbestos Awareness for Architects and Designers Module 3: Avoiding the Risks from Asbestos Easy 18 mins
Asbestos Awareness for Architects and Designers Module 2: Different Types of Asbestos Easy 17 mins
Asbestos Awareness for Architects and Designers Module 1: Properties and Risks of Asbestos Exposure Easy 21 mins
Asbestos Awareness for Architects and Designers Brief Description of Asbestos Awareness for Architects and Designers Easy 2 mins
Assessing Display Screen Equipment Module 15: Practical Element Easy 6 mins
Assessing Display Screen Equipment Module 14: Control and Prevention Strategies Easy 15 mins
Assessing Display Screen Equipment Module 13: DSE Assessments Easy 16 mins
Assessing Display Screen Equipment Module 12: DSE Hazards and Risks Easy 13 mins
Assessing Display Screen Equipment Module 10: Principles of Sensible Risk Management Easy 7 mins
Assessing Display Screen Equipment Module 11: Key Health and Safety Legislation Easy 13 mins
Assessing Display Screen Equipment Module 9: Risk Assessment Overview Easy 15 mins
Assessing Display Screen Equipment Module 8: Adjusting Your Work Environment Easy 14 mins
Assessing Display Screen Equipment Module 7: Adjusting the Layout of Your Workstation Easy 13 mins
Assessing Display Screen Equipment Brief Description of Assessing Display Screen Equipment Easy 2 mins
Assessing Display Screen Equipment Module 6: Work Arrangements Easy 13 mins
Assessing Display Screen Equipment Module 5: Adjusting Your Screen Easy 13 mins
Assessing Display Screen Equipment Module 4: Adjusting Your Chair Easy 12 mins
Assessing Display Screen Equipment Module 3: Protecting Your Body Easy 12 mins
Assessing Display Screen Equipment Module 2: Legislation Easy 13 mins
Assessing Display Screen Equipment Module 1: Introduction to DSE for Risk Assessors Easy 13 mins
Asbestos Awareness - IATP Module 4: An Outline of Asbestos Legislation Easy 17 mins
Asbestos Awareness - IATP Module 3: Avoiding the Risks from Asbestos Easy 18 mins
Asbestos Awareness - IATP Module 2: Different Types of Asbestos Easy 17 mins
Asbestos Awareness - IATP Module 1: Properties and Risks of Asbestos Exposure Easy 21 mins
Asbestos Awareness - IATP Brief Description of Asbestos Awareness - IATP Easy 2 mins
Asbestos Awareness Module 4: An Outline of Asbestos Legislation Easy 17 mins
Asbestos Awareness Module 3: Avoiding the Risks from Asbestos Easy 18 mins
Asbestos Awareness Module 2: Different Types of Asbestos Easy 17 mins
Asbestos Awareness Module 1: Properties and Risks of Asbestos Exposure Easy 21 mins
Asbestos Awareness Brief Description of Asbestos Awareness Easy 2 mins
Anti-Money Laundering Module 5: Internal Controls and Monitoring Easy 18 mins
Anti-Money Laundering Module 4: Due Diligence Easy 18 mins
Anti-Money Laundering Module 3: Money-Laundering Easy
Anti-Money Laundering Module 2: The Law Easy 15 mins
Anti-Money Laundering Module 1: Introduction Easy 14 mins
Anti-Money Laundering Brief Description of Anti-Money Laundering Easy 2 mins
Anti-Bribery and Corruption Module 5: ISO 37001 and Employee Responsibilities Easy 15 mins
Anti-Bribery and Corruption Module 4: Reducing the Risk: Management Easy 17 mins
Anti-Bribery and Corruption Module 3: The UK Bribery Act 2010 Easy 17 mins
Anti-Bribery and Corruption Module 2: Why Corruption and Bribery Occur Easy 15 mins
Anti-Bribery and Corruption Module 1: Introduction Easy 18 mins
Anti-Bribery and Corruption Brief Description of Anti-Bribery and Corruption Easy 2 mins
Anti Harassment and Bullying Module 4: Case Studies Easy 17 mins
Anti Harassment and Bullying Module 3: Action Following Investigations Easy 13 mins
Anti Harassment and Bullying Module 2: Informal Steps and Raising a Formal Complaint Easy 13 mins
Anti Harassment and Bullying Module 1: Policy Commitments, Harassment And Bullying Easy 14 mins
Anti Harassment and Bullying Brief Description of Anti Harassment and Bullying Easy 2 mins
Allergen Awareness Module 9: External Monitoring and Review Easy 15 mins
Allergen Awareness Module 8: Internal Monitoring and Review Easy 18 mins
Allergen Awareness Module 7: Allergen Information for Consumers Easy 8 mins
Allergen Awareness Module 6: Food Allergens - Practical Steps Easy 17 mins
Allergen Awareness Module 5: Food Allergens and the Law Easy 16 mins
Allergen Awareness Module 4: Allergen Facts Easy 9 mins
Allergen Awareness Module 3: Allergies - Causes and Symptoms Easy 16 mins
Allergen Awareness Module 2: Food Intolerances - Causes and Symptoms Easy 16 mins
Allergen Awareness Module 1: Food Intolerance and Allergens: the Basics Easy 18 mins
Allergen Awareness Brief Description of Allergen Awareness Easy 2 mins
ADHD Awareness Module 4: Managing Symptoms Easy 16 mins
ADHD Awareness Module 3: Treatments Easy 18 mins
ADHD Awareness Module 2: Causes and Diagnosis of ADHD Easy 18 mins
ADHD Awareness Module 1: Introduction Easy 10 mins
ADHD Awareness Brief Description of ADHD Awareness Easy 2 mins
Abrasive Wheels Module 11: Course Summary Easy 13 mins
Abrasive Wheels Module 10: Inspections Easy 14 mins
Abrasive Wheels Module 9: Training and Certification Easy 7 mins
Abrasive Wheels Module 8: Checking and Testing Easy 13 mins
Abrasive Wheels Module 7: Storage and Handling Easy 7 mins
Abrasive Wheels Module 6: Other Wheel Markings Easy 15 mins
Abrasive Wheels Module 5: Safe Speeds Easy 15 mins
Abrasive Wheels Module 4: Abrasive Wheel Safety Easy 14 mins
Abrasive Wheels Module 3: The Dangers of Abrasive Wheels Easy 10 mins
Abrasive Wheels Module 2: The Anatomy of an Abrasive Wheel Easy 16 mins
Abrasive Wheels Brief Description of Abrasive Wheels Easy 2 mins
Abrasive Wheels Module 1: Introducing Abrasive Wheels Easy 14 mins
Sharps Awareness Module 6: Safe Handling Procedures Easy 14 mins
Sharps Awareness Module 5: Equipment Easy 16 mins
Sharps Awareness Module 4: Chances of Infection Easy 13 mins
Sharps Awareness Module 3: The Chain of Infection Easy 18 mins
Sharps Awareness Module 2: Needlestick Injuries Easy 19 mins
Sharps Awareness Module 1: Sharp Safety, the Basics Easy 15 mins
Sharps Awareness Brief Description of Sharps Awareness Easy 2 mins
Stroke Awareness Module 4: Post Stroke Problems and Care Easy 32 mins
Stroke Awareness Module 3: Diagnosis, Treatment and Recovery Easy 23 mins
Stroke Awareness Module 2: Types of Stroke and Their Causes Easy 17 mins
Stroke Awareness Module 1: Signs and Symptoms Easy 13 mins
Stroke Awareness Brief Description of Stroke Awareness Easy 2 mins
Care Certificate Module 8: Personal Development Plans CC Easy 10 mins
Care Certificate Module 7: Feedback CC Easy 10 mins
Care Certificate Module 6: Formal and Informal Learning CC Easy 5 mins
Care Certificate Module 5: Personal Attitudes and Beliefs CC Easy 10 mins
Care Certificate Module 4: Reflecting on your Work Activities CC Easy 10 mins
Care Certificate Module 3: Codes of Practice and Legislation CC Easy 10 mins
Care Certificate Module 1: The Course Structure CC Easy 1 mins
Care Certificate Principle of Personal Development CC Easy 1 mins
Care Certificate Module 2: Setting Standards CC Easy 9 mins
Care Certificate Module 1: the course structure CC Easy 2 mins
Care Certificate Module 2: infection prevention and control CC Easy 18 mins
Care Certificate Module 7: cleaning and decontamination CC Easy 9 mins
Care Certificate Module 6: The Control and Prevention of Infection CC Easy 18 mins
Care Certificate Module 5: The Chain of Infection CC Easy 13 mins
Care Certificate Module 3: The Different Microorganisms CC Easy 16 mins
Care Certificate Module 4: How Bacteria are Transmitted? CC Easy 7 mins
Care Certificate Infection Control CC Easy 3 mins
Care Certificate Module 7: Resolving Conflicts CC Easy 10 mins
Care Certificate Module 6: Working in Partnership CC Easy 10 mins
Care Certificate Module 5: Keeping up-to-date CC Easy 10 mins
Care Certificate Module 4: Agreed Ways of Working CC Easy 10 mins
Care Certificate Module 3: Relationships CC Easy 10 mins
Care Certificate Module 2: Understanding Social Care CC Easy 10 mins
Care Certificate Module 1: The Course Structure CC Easy 1 mins
Care Certificate Understanding Your Role in Care CC Easy 2 mins
Care Certificate Module 1: legislation CC Easy 10 mins
Care Certificate Module 2: putting into practice CC Easy 9 mins
Care Certificate Handling information in a care setting CC Easy 3 mins
Care Certificate Module 9: Work Environment and Welfare CC Easy 13 mins
Care Certificate Module 8: Aggression, Violence, Security and Stress CC Easy 16 mins
Care Certificate Module 7: General Hazards: Fires, Gas and Electricity CC Easy 16 mins
Care Certificate Module 6: Moving and Handling CC Easy 19 mins
Care Certificate Module 5: Accidents and Illness Part 2 CC Easy 22 mins
Care Certificate Module 4: Accidents and Illness Part 1 CC Easy 16 mins
Care Certificate Module 3: Systems CC Easy 12 mins
Care Certificate Module 2: Employee Responsibilities CC Easy 14 mins
Care Certificate Module 1: Introduction CC Easy 15 mins
Care Certificate Health and Safety in Care Setting CC Easy 3 mins
Care Certificate Module 5: Safeguarding Legislation CC Easy 15 mins
Care Certificate Module 4: What to Do if you Suspect Abuse CC Easy 18 mins
Care Certificate Module 3: How to Recognize the Signs of Abuse CC Easy 10 mins
Care Certificate Module 2: Types of Abuse CC Easy 14 mins
Care Certificate Safeguarding Children CC Easy 3 mins
Care Certificate Module 1: Introduction to Safeguarding Children CC Easy 14 mins
Care Certificate Module 1: Introduction and Definitions CC Easy 9 mins
Care Certificate Module 5: Safeguarding Legislation CC Easy 10 mins
Care Certificate Module 4: What to Do if you Suspect Abuse CC Easy 10 mins
Care Certificate Module 3: Recognizing the Signs of Abuse CC Easy 10 mins
Care Certificate Module 2: Abuse and the Rights of Vulnerable Adults CC Easy 9 mins
Care Certificate Safeguarding Adults CC Easy 1 mins
Care Certificate Module 8: Legal Framework, Opportunities & Safeguarding CC Easy 10 mins
Care Certificate Module 7: Meeting Needs Part 3 CC Easy 6 mins
Care Certificate Module 6: Meeting Needs Part 2 CC Easy 10 mins
Care Certificate Module 5: Meeting Needs Part 1 CC Easy 5 mins
Care Certificate Module 4: Person-centered Approach CC Easy 10 mins
Care Certificate Module 3: New Understanding CC Easy 10 mins
Care Certificate Module 2: Learning Disabilities: The Basics CC Easy 5 mins
Care Certificate Module 1: the course structure CC Easy 1 mins
Care Certificate Learning Disability Awareness CC Easy 1 mins
Care Certificate Module 2: The Brain CC Easy 5 mins
Care Certificate Module 1: what is dementia? CC Easy 5 mins
Care Certificate Module 3: Alzheimer’s disease & Parkinson’s [S1] Disease CC Easy 4 mins
Care Certificate Module 4: Strategies to use with clients with Dementia CC Easy 6 mins
Care Certificate Dementia Awareness CC Easy 1 mins
Care Certificate Module 3: Symptoms and Strategies to Help - Part 2 CC Easy 10 mins
Care Certificate Module 2: Symptoms and Strategies to Help CC Easy 10 mins
Care Certificate Module 1: What is Mental Illness and Prevalence Rates? CC Easy 7 mins
Care Certificate Mental Health Awareness CC Easy 1 mins
Care Certificate Nutrition and Hydration CC Easy 1 mins
Care Certificate Module 1: The Course Structure CC Easy 1 mins
Care Certificate Module 2: Defining the Terms CC Easy 10 mins
Care Certificate Module 3: The Eat well Plate CC Easy 9 mins
Care Certificate Module 4: Hydration CC Easy 10 mins
Care Certificate Module 5: Through-life nutrition CC Easy 10 mins
Care Certificate Module 6: Malnutrition and Over nutrition CC Easy 10 mins
Care Certificate Module 7: The Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool CC Easy 10 mins
Care Certificate Module 6: Self-Care CC Easy 6 mins
Care Certificate Module 7: Overcoming Barriers to Dignity and Privacy CC Easy 5 mins
Care Certificate Module 5: Privacy- Good Practice CC Easy 5 mins
Care Certificate Module 7: Confidentiality CC Easy 10 mins
Care Certificate Module 6: Getting Help with Communication Issues CC Easy 10 mins
Care Certificate Module 5: Checking Understanding CC Easy 10 mins
Care Certificate Module 4: Reducing Communication Barriers CC Easy 10 mins
Care Certificate Module 3: Identifying Communication Barriers CC Easy 10 mins
Care Certificate Module 1: Reasons People Communicate CC Easy 10 mins
Care Certificate Module 2: Ways of Communicating CC Easy 10 mins
Care Certificate The Principle of Communication CC Easy 2 mins
Care Certificate Module 4: dignity-good practice part 2 CC Easy 6 mins
Care Certificate Module 3: Dignity – Good Practice Part 1 CC Easy 5 mins
Care Certificate Module 2: Understanding The Principles CC Easy 5 mins
Care Certificate Module 1: Overview of The Course CC Easy 1 mins
Care Certificate Dignity and Privacy CC Easy 2 mins
Care Certificate Module 6: Case Study CC Easy 5 mins
Care Certificate Module 5: Example Care Plans CC Easy 10 mins
Care Certificate Module 4: Daily Reports CC Easy 6 mins
Care Certificate Module 3: Care Plans and Consent CC Easy 10 mins
Care Certificate Module 2: Definitions and Values CC Easy 10 mins
Care Certificate Module 1: Course Overview CC Easy 1 mins
Care Certificate Person-Centered Care CC Easy 2 mins
Principles of Personal Development Module 7: Feedback Easy 12 mins
Principles of Personal Development Module 6: Formal and Informal Learning Easy 7 mins
Principles of Personal Development Module 8: Personal Development Plans Easy 14 mins
Principles of Personal Development Module 5: Personal Attitudes and Beliefs Easy 14 mins
Principles of Personal Development Brief Description of Principle of Personal Development Easy 2 mins
Principles of Personal Development Module 1: The Course Structure Easy 2 mins
Principles of Personal Development Module 2: Setting Standards Easy 13 mins
Principles of Personal Development Module 3: Codes of Practice and Legislation Easy 16 mins
Principles of Personal Development Module 4: Reflecting on your Work Activities Easy 12 mins
Understanding Your Role In Care Module 7: Resolving Conflicts Easy 15 mins
Understanding Your Role In Care Module 6: Working in Partnership Easy 14 mins
Understanding Your Role In Care Module 5: Keeping up-to-date Easy 15 mins
Understanding Your Role In Care Module 4: Agreed Ways of Working Easy 13 mins
Understanding Your Role In Care Module 3: Relationships Easy 16 mins
Understanding Your Role In Care Module 2: Understanding Social Care Easy 12 mins
Care Certificate Module 10: Course Summary CC Easy 2 mins
Care Certificate Module 6: Stereotypes, Prejudices and Discrimination CC Easy 5 mins
Care Certificate Module 5: Links Between Values, Attitudes and Beliefs CC Easy 7 mins
Care Certificate Module 1: What is Equality & Diversity? CC Easy 10 mins
Care Certificate Equality, diversity, and discrimination CC Easy 2 mins
Understanding Your Role In Care Brief Description of Understanding Your Role in Care Easy 2 mins
Understanding Your Role In Care Module 1: The Course Structure Easy 2 mins
The Principles of Communication Module 7: Confidentiality Easy 16 mins
The Principles of Communication Module 6: Getting Help with Communication Issues Easy 12 mins
The Principles of Communication Module 5: Checking Understanding Easy 18 mins
The Principles of Communication Module 4: Reducing Communication Barriers Easy 17 mins
The Principles of Communication Module 3: Identifying Communication Barriers Easy 16 mins
The Principles of Communication Module 2: Ways of Communicating Easy 22 mins
The Principles of Communication Module 1: Reasons People Communicate Easy 17 mins
The Principles of Communication Brief Description of Principle of Communication Easy 3 mins
Safeguarding Children Module 5: Safeguarding Legislation Easy 15 mins
Safeguarding Children Module 4: What to Do if you Suspect Abuse Easy 18 mins
Safeguarding Children Module 3: How to Recognize the Signs of Abuse Easy 17 mins
Safeguarding Children Module 2: Types of Abuse Easy 17 mins
Safeguarding Children Brief Description of Safeguarding Children Easy 3 mins
Safeguarding Children Module 1: Introduction to Safeguarding Children Easy 18 mins
Safeguarding Adults Module 5: Safeguarding Legislation Easy 16 mins
Safeguarding Adults Module 4: What to Do if you Suspect Abuse Easy 22 mins
Safeguarding Adults Brief Description of Safeguarding Adults Easy 3 mins
Safeguarding Adults Module 3: Recognizing the Signs of Abuse Easy 24 mins
Safeguarding Adults Module 1: Introduction and Definitions Easy 22 mins
Safeguarding Adults Module 2: Abuse and the Rights of Vulnerable Adults Easy 19 mins
Health and Safety in Care Setting Module 9: Work Environment and Welfare Easy 13 mins
Health and Safety in Care Setting Module 8: Aggression, Violence, Security and Stress Easy 16 mins
Health and Safety in Care Setting Module 7: General Hazards: Fires, Gas and Electricity Easy 16 mins
Health and Safety in Care Setting Module 6: Moving and Handling Easy 19 mins
Health and Safety in Care Setting Module 5: Accidents and Illness Part 2 Easy 22 mins
Health and Safety in Care Setting Module 4: Accidents and Illness Part 1 Easy 16 mins
Health and Safety in Care Setting Module 3: Systems Easy 12 mins
Health and Safety in Care Setting Module 2: Employee Responsibilities Easy 14 mins
Health and Safety in Care Setting Module 1: Introduction Easy 15 mins
Health and Safety in Care Setting Brief Description of Health and Safety in Care Setting Easy 3 mins
Nutrition and Hydration Module 7: The Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool Easy 15 mins
Nutrition and Hydration Module 6: Malnutrition and Over nutrition Easy 19 mins
Nutrition and Hydration Module 5: Through-life nutrition Easy 18 mins
Nutrition and Hydration Module 4: Hydration Easy 15 mins
Nutrition and Hydration Module 3: The Eat well Plate Easy 21 mins
Nutrition and Hydration Module 2: Defining the Terms Easy 12 mins
Nutrition and Hydration Module 1: The Course Structure Easy 2 mins
Nutrition and Hydration Brief Description of Nutrition and Hydration Easy 2 mins
Level 2 Food Safety - Manufacturing Module 4: Pests, premises and people Easy 23 mins
Level 2 Food Safety - Manufacturing Module 3: Risk control Easy 56 mins
Level 2 Food Safety - Manufacturing Module 2: Hazards from Delivery to Service Easy 52 mins
Level 2 Food Safety - Manufacturing Module 1: Food Safety Legislation Easy 42 mins
Level 2 Food Safety - Manufacturing Brief Description of Level 2 Food Safety – Manufacturing Easy 11 mins
Level 2 Food Safety - Retailing Module 4: Pests, Premises & People Easy 25 mins
Level 2 Food Safety - Retailing Module 3: Risk control Easy 46 mins
Level 2 Food Safety - Retailing Module 2: Hazards from delivery to service Easy 47 mins
Level 2 Food Safety - Retailing Module 1: Food Safety Legislation Easy 45 mins
Level 2 Food Safety - Retailing Brief Description of Level 2 Food Safety- Retail Easy 3 mins
Level 2 Food Safety - Catering Module 4: Pests, Premises & People Easy 19 mins
Level 2 Food Safety - Catering Module 3: Risk control Easy 36 mins
Level 2 Food Safety - Catering Module 2: Hazards from delivery to service Easy 44 mins
Level 2 Food Safety - Catering Module 1: Food Safety Legislation Easy 42 mins
Level 2 Food Safety - Catering Brief Description of Level 2 Food Safety - Catering Easy 2 mins
Level 1 Food Safety - Catering Module 4: Pests, Premises and People Easy 9 mins
Level 1 Food Safety - Catering Module 3: Risk Control (Prevention of Contamination) Easy 25 mins
Level 1 Food Safety - Catering Module 2: Hazards from delivery to service Easy 23 mins
Level 1 Food Safety - Catering Module 1: Food Safety Legislation Easy 24 mins
Level 1 Food Safety - Retailing Module 4: Pests, premises and people Easy 15 mins
Level 1 Food Safety - Retailing Module 3: Risk control Easy 42 mins
Level 1 Food Safety - Retailing Module 2: Hazards from Delivery to Service Easy 34 mins
Level 1 Food Safety - Retailing Module 1: Food Safety Legislation Easy 32 mins
Introduction to HACCP Level2 Module 6: The 7 Principles: Monitoring and Verification Easy 19 mins
Introduction to HACCP Level2 Module 5: The 7 Principles: Hazard Analysis and Control Measures Easy 8 mins
Introduction to HACCP Level2 Module 4: Creating a HACCP System Easy 10 mins
Introduction to HACCP Level2 Module 3: Principles and Prerequisites Easy 15 mins
Introduction to HACCP Level2 Module 2: Food Safety Hazards Easy 21 mins
Introduction to HACCP Level2 Module 1: Introduction to HACCP Easy 30 mins
Introduction to HACCP Level2 Brief Description of HAZARD ANALYSIS AND CRITICAL CONTROL POINT LEVEL 2 Easy 4 mins
Food Allergens Awareness Module 3: Preventing Allergenic Cross Contamination Easy 45 mins
Food Allergens Awareness Module 2: Food Allergen Law and the Food Labelling Regulations Easy 49 mins
Food Allergens Awareness Module 1: Introduction to Food Allergens, Allergies and Anaphylaxis Easy 50 mins
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Module Six: Monitoring the Assessment and Health Surveillance Easy 11 mins
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Module Five: COSHH Risk Assessment and Control Measures Easy 34 mins
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Module Four: Identifying Hazardous Substances Easy 38 mins
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Module Three: Ill-health and Hazardous Substances Easy 43 mins
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Module Two: COSHH Legal Regulations Easy 54 mins
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Module One: Introduction to COSHH Easy 53 mins
Person-Centred Care Module 6: Case Study Easy 12 mins
Person-Centred Care Module 5: Example Care Plans Easy 15 mins
Person-Centred Care Module 4: Daily Reports Easy 8 mins
Person-Centred Care Module 3: Care Plans and Consent Easy 17 mins
Person-Centred Care Module 2: Definitions and Values Easy 16 mins
Person-Centred Care Module 1: Course Overview Easy 2 mins
Person-Centred Care Brief Description of Person-Centered Care Easy 3 mins
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Brief Description The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Easy 3 mins
Supervising Mental Health at Work Module 2: The Role of Mental Health First Aiders Easy 22 mins
Supervising Mental Health at Work Module 1: Introduction Easy 20 mins
Supervising Mental Health at Work Brief description of Supervising Mental Health at Workplace Easy 3 mins
Mental Health Awareness Module 3: Symptoms and Strategies to Help - Part 2 Easy 16 mins
Mental Health Awareness Module 2: Symptoms and Strategies to Help Easy 18 mins
Mental Health Awareness Module 1: What is Mental Illness and Prevalence Rates? Easy 8 mins
Mental Health Awareness Brief description of the course “Mental Health Awareness” Easy 2 mins
Supervising Food Safety-Level 3 Module Fifteen: Training Staff Easy 14 mins
Supervising Food Safety-Level 3 Module Sixteen: Implementing a Food Safety Management System Easy 11 mins
Supervising Food Safety-Level 3 Module Seventeen: Food Safety Management Tools Easy 19 mins
Supervising Food Safety-Level 3 Module Fourteen: Personal Hygiene Easy 10 mins
Supervising Food Safety-Level 3 Module Thirteen – Pest Control Easy 11 mins
Supervising Food Safety-Level 3 Module Twelve – Waste, Cleaning and Disinfection Easy 18 mins
Supervising Food Safety-Level 3 Module Eleven: Premises and Equipment Design Easy 7 mins
Supervising Food Safety-Level 3 Module Ten: Food Preservation Easy 8 mins
Supervising Food Safety-Level 3 Module Nine: Checking, Verifying and Recording Temperatures Easy 7 mins
Supervising Food Safety-Level 3 Module Seven: Non-Bacterial Food Poisoning Easy 13 mins
Supervising Food Safety-Level 3 Module Eight: Temperature Control Easy 10 mins
Supervising Food Safety-Level 3 Module Five: Micro-Organisms Easy 16 mins
Supervising Food Safety-Level 3 Module Six: Food Poisoning and Food-Borne Illness Easy 23 mins
Supervising Food Safety-Level 3 Module Three: Food Contamination Easy 21 mins
Supervising Food Safety-Level 3 Module Four: Controlling Contamination Easy 32 mins
Supervising Food Safety-Level 3 Module Two: Food Safety Legislation Easy 20 mins
Supervising Food Safety-Level 3 Module One: Introduction to Supervising Food Safety Easy 15 mins
Supervising Food Safety-Level 3 Brief Description of Supervising Food Safety-Level 3 Easy 4 mins
Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (MCA and DOLs) Summary Easy 1 mins
Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (MCA and DOLs) Module 4: The Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards Easy 20 mins
Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (MCA and DOLs) Module 3: Assessing Capacity Easy 14 mins
Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (MCA and DOLs) Module 2: What is the Mental Capacity Act? Easy 23 mins
Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (MCA and DOLs) Module 1: Introduction Easy 6 mins
Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (MCA and DOLs) Brief Description of Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (MCA and DOLs) Easy 2 mins
Level 1 Food Safety - Retailing Brief Description of Level 1 Food Safety – Retailing Easy 2 mins
Learning Disability Awareness Module 8: Legal Framework, Opportunities & Safeguarding Easy 15 mins
Learning Disability Awareness Module 7: Meeting Needs Part 3 Easy 9 mins
Learning Disability Awareness Module 6: Meeting Needs Part 2 Easy 16 mins
Learning Disability Awareness Module 5: Meeting Needs Part 1 Easy 7 mins
Learning Disability Awareness Module 4: Person-centered Approach Easy 16 mins
Learning Disability Awareness Module 3: New Understanding Easy 15 mins
Learning Disability Awareness Module 2: Learning Disabilities: The Basics Easy 11 mins
Learning Disability Awareness Module 1: The Course Structure Easy 3 mins
Learning Disability Awareness Brief Description of Learning Disability Awareness Easy 2 mins
Infection Control Module 7: Cleaning and Decontamination Easy 9 mins
Infection Control Module 6: The Control and Prevention of Infection Easy 18 mins
Infection Control Module 5: The Chain of Infection Easy 13 mins
Infection Control Module 4: How Bacteria are Transmitted? Easy 7 mins
Infection Control Module 3: The Different Microorganisms Easy 16 mins
Infection Control Module 2: Infection Prevention and Control Easy 18 mins
Infection Control Module 1: The Course Structure Easy 2 mins
Infection Control Brief Description of the Course “Infection Control” Easy 3 mins
Food Allergens Awareness Brief Description of Food Allergens Awareness Easy 5 mins
Achieving food hygiene rating Level5 Module 6: Good Hygiene Structure and Cleaning Easy 7 mins
Achieving food hygiene rating Level5 Module 5: E. coli Easy 9 mins
Achieving food hygiene rating Level5 Module 4: Safer Food Better Business (SFBB) Easy 8 mins
Achieving food hygiene rating Level5 Module 3: Appeals Easy 8 mins
Achieving food hygiene rating Level5 Module 2: Scoring Criteria Easy 6 mins
Achieving food hygiene rating Level5 Module 1: Food Hygiene Ratings – An Introduction Easy 10 mins
Achieving food hygiene rating Level5 Brief Description of Achieving Food Hygiene Rating Level 5 Easy 3 mins
Handling Information in a Care Setting Module 2: Putting into Practice Easy 9 mins
Handling Information in a Care Setting Module 1: Legislation Easy 10 mins
Handling Information in a Care Setting Brief Description of Handling Information in a Care Setting Easy 3 mins
Equality, Diversity, and Discrimination Module 10: Course Summary Easy 7 mins
Equality, Diversity, and Discrimination Module 6: Stereotypes, Prejudices and Discrimination Easy 12 mins
Equality, Diversity, and Discrimination Module 5: Links between values, attitudes and beliefs Easy 9 mins
Equality, Diversity, and Discrimination Module 1: What is Equality & Diversity? Easy 15 mins
Equality, Diversity, and Discrimination Equality, diversity, and discrimination Easy 3 mins
End of Life Care Module 4: The dying process Easy 8 mins
End of Life Care Module 3: Patterns of Dying Easy 8 mins
End of Life Care Module 1: End of life care Easy 12 mins
End of Life Care Brief Decsription of End of Life Care Easy 3 mins
Dignity and Privacy Module 7: Overcoming Barriers to Dignity and Privacy Easy 10 mins
Dignity and Privacy Module 6: Self-care Easy 9 mins
Dignity and Privacy Module 5: Privacy- Good Practice Easy 9 mins
Dignity and Privacy Module 4: Dignity - Good Practice Part 2 Easy 11 mins
Dignity and Privacy Module 3: Dignity – Good Practice Part 1 Easy 14 mins
Dignity and Privacy Brief Description of Dignity and Privacy Easy 2 mins
Dignity and Privacy Module 1: Overview of the Course Easy 2 mins
Dignity and Privacy Module 2: Understanding the Principles Easy 10 mins
Diabetes Awareness Module 3: Diabetes Complications Easy 9 mins
Diabetes Awareness Module 2: Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment Easy 31 mins
Diabetes Awareness Module 1: What are Diabetes and its Prevalence? Easy 12 mins
Diabetes Awareness Brief Description of Diabetes Awareness Easy 2 mins
Dementia Awareness Module 4: Strategies to use with clients with Dementia Easy 9 mins
Dementia Awareness Module 3: Alzheimer’s disease & Parkinson’s [S1] Disease Easy 10 mins
Dementia Awareness Module 2: The Brain Easy 8 mins
Dementia Awareness Module 1: what is dementia? Easy 7 mins
Dementia Awareness Dementia Awareness Easy 2 mins
Prevent Duty Module 8: British Values Easy 15 mins
Prevent Duty Module 7: The Channel Process Easy 12 mins
Prevent Duty Module 6: What Should You Do If You Are Concerned? Easy 16 mins
Prevent Duty Module 5: Extremism, Radicalization and Terrorism Easy 15 mins
Prevent Duty Module 4: Delivering Prevent with a Risk-Based Approach Easy 17 mins
Prevent Duty Module 3: Prevent Objectives Easy 15 mins
Prevent Duty Module 2: What is Prevent? Easy 15 mins
Prevent Duty Module 1: Introduction to the Course Easy 12 mins
Prevent Duty Brief Descripiton of Prevent Duty Easy 2.02 mins