Conflict Resolution in the Workplace

Conflict Resolution in the Workplace

Conflict Resolution in the Workplace

Conflict Resolution in the Workplace

We'll examine the causes of  conflict resolution in the workplace in this module. You can address the underlying reasons more effectively if you are aware of them. The first step in resolving a conflict is identifying and admitting its problems.

Techniques for Effective Communication

Examine useful communication techniques that promote empathy and understanding. Effective dispute resolution requires both clear communication and active listening. Develop your communication skills to establish common ground and settle disputes amicably.

Collaboration in the face of challenges

Discover how beneficial cooperation can be in resolving conflicts that arise in the workplace. The methods of problem-solving in groups and working together are the primary topics of discussion in this course. With everyone working together towards the same objective, conflict resolution becomes much simpler to manage.

Management of Emotions in Conflict Situations

Acquire the skills necessary to be able to properly manage your emotions in times of conflict. Emotions have the potential to exacerbate tensions, but if they are handled correctly, they may also be utilised to discover a solution to a problem. Through the use of this module, you will learn how to constructively navigate your emotions in order to successfully resolve conflicts.

Implementing Viable Conflict Resolution

Investigate different approaches that can be used to permanently resolve issues that occur in the workplace. To guarantee that disputes do not reoccur, this module places an emphasis on preventative measures and actions that are taken once they have occurred. The settlement of conflicts involves not only resolving existing problems but also preventing new problems from occurring in the future.


  1. Brief Description of Conflict Resolution in the Workplace

    Conflict in the workplace that is not managed well may be expensive in terms of both time and money, and it can also reduce employee engagement.
  2. Module 1: The causes and symptoms of conflict at work

    Workplace conflict is the biggest reducible cost and least identified issue, costing £33 billion yearly. It wastes 20% of a leader's time and 370 million working days, not considering loyalty, devotion, inspiration, teamwork, and morale.
  3. Module 2: Resolving Conflict

    In 1976, Kilman introduced the dual concern approach to conflict management. This approach suggests that conflict resolution requires balancing two factors:
  4. Module 3: The Five Conflict Modes

    Module 3 discusses conflict management in the workplace, focusing on assertiveness and cooperation. Five conflict management modes are discussed:
  5. Module 4: Using the Modes

    Module 4 focuses on choosing the appropriate mode of conflict resolution based on the eight conflict traits. The mode of choice depends on the severity of the dispute,
  6. Module 5: Assertiveness

    Module five discusses assertiveness, which involves communicating demands, views, feelings, and thoughts without violating others' rights and respecting their needs, beliefs, and feelings.
  7. Module 6: Making Positive Outcomes

    Module six discusses the benefits of well-managed team disputes. Effective leaders create a culture where disagreements benefit the team by balancing aggressiveness and cooperation.

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