Is ADHD Awareness a thing?
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD, is a brain disorder that makes it hard for people to concentrate, control their emotions, and keep their energy levels in check. This module gives you an easy introduction to the basics of ADHD Awareness, which will help you understand how important it is.
Recognising Signs
Learn to spot common signs of ADHD, like having trouble focusing, acting on impulse, or being restless. Understanding these signs is the first thing that can be done to help and support people with ADHD. This module is all about useful ways to recognise things.
Learning About the Different Ways to Treat
Look into the different ways to treat ADHD, such as medicine, therapy, and making changes to your daily life. This module stresses how important personalised methods are for effectively treating ADHD symptoms.
Helping people who don't have ADHD Awareness
Learn how to help people with ADHD and make sure they feel welcome in your environment. Learn how to make a difference in the lives of people with ADHD by helping them understand and making changes.
Being Aware of ADHD in Everyday Life
This last module talks about how important it is to be aware of ADHD in daily situations and interactions. Learn how to encourage understanding, lower stigma, and make sure that people with ADHD feel welcome.
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