Term Archives

  1. Brief Description of Domestic Abuse Level 1

    The Domestic Abuse Level 1 course is an important training programme that aims to give people a basic idea of domestic violence and how complicated it is. This course aims to teach people about domestic violence and give them useful skills.
  2. Module 4: Good Working Practices

    After reading this section through: you should know how to reduce your risk of food poisoning by using excellent working procedures.
  3. Module 3: Food Contamination and its Prevention

    After reading this part, you should be aware of the following: the various forms of contamination, the various methods that contamination can happen.
  4. Module 2: Food Poisoning

    Following reading this section, you should have a clear understanding of the following: what constitutes food poisoning, which foods are most likely to cause it.
  5. Brief Description of Food Hygine

    Learn essential food safety practices, including proper hygiene, sanitation, and handling techniques, to prevent foodborne illnesses and ensure compliance with food safety regulations.
  6. Module 1: Introduction

    After reading this part, you should be aware of the following: what food hygiene is and why it's important for food safety, the negative effects of inadequate food hygiene standards.
  7. Module 6: Cold Chain Failure and Incident Reporting

    This section aims to demonstrate an understanding of the potential consequences of a breach in the cold chain and the significance of reporting such incidents.
  8. Module 5: Transporting Vaccines

    After completing this section, you should demonstrate understanding of the importance of transporting vaccines and the correct and incorrect use of validated cool boxes.
  9. Module 4: Auditing and Monitoring of Stock

    This section aims to equip you with knowledge on stock management, the significance of stock control books, and the timing of stock audits.
  10. Module 3: Storage of Vaccines

    This section discusses the importance of proper vaccine storage, specialized fridges, heat and cold damage, temperature monitoring, and unused stock management.