Term Archives

  1. Module 3: Engaging with Carers

    To successfully complete this section, you should understand: Supporting carers begins with recognition Understanding what makes a caregiver's life easier Understanding why staff may be hesitant to engage with carers
  2. Brief Description of Carer Awareness

    "Carer Awareness" is a comprehensive course designed to provide participants with a deep understanding of the responsibilities, challenges, and rewards associated with caregiving roles.
  3. Module 4: Identify What Your Organisation can do to Support Carers and the Benefits

    After completing this section, you should understand how your organisation can help carers? The advantages of supporting carers. Your Practice Can Help Carers Create a caregiving policy and assign a carer lead.
  4. Module 3: When is Consent Needed?

    Consent is essential to healthcare, regardless of the operation, treatment, or care. Adults must consent themselves. No one, including parents, relatives, or health and social care experts, may provide or withdraw permission for another adult without specific legislative provision.
  5. Module 4: Refusal of treatment

    Understand the right to refuse consent for adults with capacity, what to do if an adult lacks capacity, what an advance decision means, what to do if a child or young person refuses consent, when a refusal can be overruled, and end-of-life decision making.
  6. Module 2: Why is Consent Crucial?

    Healthcare relies on patient consent. The idea of consent is crucial in medical ethics and international human rights law. Valid consent is essential for all healthcare, from personal care to major surgery.
  7. Module 1: Introduction

    To successfully complete this section, you should understand: What consent is and its criteria, Different forms of consent, Why consent is crucial?
  8. Brief Description of Consent

    "Learn about the importance of consent in various contexts, including relationships, communication, and sexual interactions. Explore strategies for effectively obtaining and respecting consent in personal and professional settings."
  9. Module 5: Ergonomic Risk Assessment

    After reading this part, you should be able to show that you understand: A moving and handling ergonomic risk assessment, what an ergonomic risk assessment is?
  10. Module 4: Load Management

    After reading this part, you should be able to show that you understand: how to spot and avoid using the wrong ways to move and handle things, the right way to move and handle things.