Term Archives

  1. Module 7: Resolving Conflicts CC

    Welcome to conflict resolution module seven. You may need to help a service user question and dispute life and care decisions
  2. Module 6: Working in Partnership CC

    Welcome to Module 6. In senior social care, cooperation and person-centered ideals guide support and assistance. The service user is the focus.
  3. Module 5: Keeping up-to-date CC

    Welcome to Module 5. Updating your employer's or organization's accepted ways of working allows you to give a high-quality, legal, and safe service to service users. These guidelines protect service users and you and your company.
  4. Module 4: Agreed Ways of Working CC

    Welcome to Module 4. Workflows agreed upon in module two. It's crucial to know your social care worker duties. Working within the company's policies is part of your job.
  5. Module 3: Relationships CC

    Hi there, module three relationships. A fundamental skill of social workers is developing solid working relationships. Many social care recipients receive help from others. Therefore, everyone involved must discuss and agree on support care or help.
  6. Module 2: Understanding Social Care CC

    Welcome to Module 2 on social care, which provides social work, personal care protection, and social assistance to children, adults, and at-risk persons with disease, disability, old age, or poverty.
  7. Module 1: The Course Structure CC

    This first lesson of our online training course explains the role of the social care professional. I'll briefly describe the course. We'll define social care, discuss why people select it as a job, and discuss its goals and objectives.
  8. Understanding Your Role in Care CC

    Understanding your role in care involves recognizing your responsibilities and duties within a healthcare setting. It necessitates actively engaging in patient-centered care, adhering to professional standards, and ensuring the delivery of high-quality and compassionate services.
  9. Module 1: legislation CC

    In module one, you will explore some key legislation regarding the handling and sharing of confidential personal information of care users.
  10. Module 2: putting into practice CC

    In module two, you will learn how to put what we have learned throughout the course into practice to ensure full competency in your care role.