Term Archives

  1. Brief Description of Basic Fire Safety Awareness

    This course will provide a concise explanation of the causes of fires, as well as the steps you need to take to assist prevent fires from starting and the steps you need to take in the event that a fire does start.
  2. Module 3: Safety Checks and Signals

    In module three, we'll examine vehicle dangers, safety inspections, and the industry standard hand and verbal signals that banksmen can use during vehicle moves.
  3. Module 2: Further Controls and Responsible Actions

    In Module two, we'll continue looking at safety controls and discuss banksmen, and drivers' responsibilities when vehicles or mobile plants reverse or maneuver pedestrian controls.
  4. Module 1: Controls to Reduce the likelihood of Accidents

    In Module 1, we'll discuss common reversing accidents and the banksmen's involvement. We'll also examine controls that reduce reverse accidents, banks, and injuries. Nearly 25% of vehicle-related workplace debts occur during reversing, according to the HSE.
  5. Brief Description of Banksman Training

    Banksman training is a safety program that provides instruction and certification for individuals working in construction, logistics, or industrial settings.
  6. Module 5: Content for Architects and Designers

    This module is for architects and designers working with asbestos. It covers asbestos, work, and architects' and designers' responsibility. CAR control of asbestos regulations 2012 is the main asbestos law. Great Britain got 2006 car upgrades.
  7. Module 4: An Outline of Asbestos Legislation

    This module covers asbestos and asbestos workers' laws. Great Britain. Control of asbestos regulations are the primary asbestos laws.
  8. Module 3: Avoiding the Risks from Asbestos

    This section discusses asbestos prevention. As we discussed earlier in the course, inhalation in little amounts of asbestos fiber could cause a life-threatening sickness. Smaller dangers exist from eating or handling asbestos.
  9. Module 2: Different Types of Asbestos

    This section covers asbestos kinds. We'll also examine constructing asbestos locations. Only three of the six primary asbestos kinds were employed in Europe. Chrysotile, amy, and blue asbestos are available.
  10. Module 1: Properties and Risks of Asbestos Exposure

    One of the most harmful building materials is asbestos. Asbestos causes thousands of illnesses and deaths annually. Unfortunately, asbestos-containing materials were frequently employed in building until recently.