Module 2: Investigations, Allegations and Suspensions
12 mins
Waleed Khalid
Module two covers investigations, allegations, and suspensions. Investigations aim to provide a fair evaluation of employee disciplinary accusations.
Module 1: Disciplinary Procedure and Confidentiality
12 mins
Waleed Khalid
The disciplinary mechanism aims to maintain good conduct and encourage progress in an organization. It is outlined in policies, staff handbooks, or human resources departments, and applies to all employees, regardless of tenure.
Brief Description of Disciplinary Procedures
2 mins
Waleed Khalid
Disciplinary procedures are formal processes used by organizations to address employee misconduct or poor performance.
Module 4: Resilience
13 mins
Waleed Khalid
This module discusses the importance of team resilience, which involves managing strain and maintaining individual well-being. It emphasizes the need for cohesion, cooperation, coordination, conflict, and satisfaction in a team.
Module 3: Management Behaviour
14 mins
Waleed Khalid
In this module, the focus is on managing behaviour and identifying one's own behavioural style. Relationship managers should be self-aware and adapt their style to suit others, recognizing distinct features in people and adjusting their behavior accordingly.
Module 2: Conflict
11 mins
Waleed Khalid
Module 2 discusses conflict, which arises when two or more people with more power claim a finite resource or action and thwart others' wishes. Conflict can involve multiple parties, and incompatibility, resource allocation, and goal interference can cause frustration.
Module 1: What is Team Working?
12 mins
Waleed Khalid
In this module, the focus is on teamwork, which involves understanding each other better and building a high-performing team. A high-performing team embraces diversity, welcomes differences, and plays to each person's talents and goals.
Brief Description of Developing Teamwork
2 mins
Waleed Khalid
This course will begin by providing an in-depth explanation of what teamwork is and will then move on to discuss some of the fundamental guidelines for assembling a group of individuals who can work well together.
Module 7: Complaints, Discipline and Negativity
15 mins
Waleed Khalid
This module focuses on workplace grievances, discipline, and negativity. Addressing and preventing difficult issues helps maintain strong connections between management and staff.
Module 6: Recruitment, Retention and Training
7 mins
Waleed Khalid
Module 6 discusses the use of advertising in recruiting, emphasizing the importance of capturing candidates' attention and keeping them reading.