Term Archives

  1. Module 1: Chemistry of Fire

    The module explains that a fire starts with fuel oxygen and heat, which can be solid or liquid. Fuel sources include cigarettes, heaters, and equipment.
  2. Brief Description of Fire Marshal for Care Homes

    The "Fire Marshal for Care Homes" course is specifically designed to provide comprehensive training for individuals responsible for fire safety in care home settings.
  3. Module 6: The Importance of Health Surveillance

    Module six discusses health surveillance, which involves systematic health examinations to identify early disease symptoms, prevent illness, track workplace control measures' effectiveness, detect and protect individuals at higher risk, and help workers understand symptoms when health surveillance is needed.
  4. Module 5: What Does the Law Say?

    Module 5 covers legal obligations for employers to manage vibration exposure at work. Employers are required to assess vibration risk, adopt control measures to prevent exposure, and identify employees likely to be exposed to vibration.
  5. Module 4: How Can I Reduce the Risk?

    This module focuses on managing hand-on vibration and reducing exposure. To do this, reduce hand vibration and equipment time, use low-vibration tools and job-specific tools, keep cutting tools sharp and functional, rotate jobs with coworkers, keep hands warm and dry.
  6. Module 3: When am I at Risk?

    Module 3 focuses on determining which equipment and work scenarios are most likely to cause damage and the exposure values that must be met.
  7. Module 2: What are the Symptoms of HAVS?

    This module discusses hand on vibration syndrome (HS) symptoms, which include finger numbness, muscle weakness, sensitivity, loss of dexterity, strength, range of motion, pain in the hands or wrists, and blanching.
  8. Brief Description of Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome

    The "Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome (HAVS)" course is designed to educate participants on the risks associated with prolonged exposure to hand-arm vibration, often encountered in certain workplace activities.
  9. Module 1: What is Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome (HAVS)?

    This online training course introduces the concept of hand-on vibration syndrome, which is a condition caused by excessive exposure to vibrations. The course defines hand-on vibration syndrome, which can lead to painful and crippling injuries, especially in the hands and arms.
  10. Module 3: Using a Fire Extinguisher

    To put out a fire using a water extinguisher, sound the alarm, remove the safety ring pin, hold the nozzle near the end, aim it in a safe direction, and briefly operate it. Keep yourself between the flames and your escape route.