Term Archives

  1. Module 2: Stress

    Module two discusses job stress, its causes, symptoms, and treatments. Stress can stem from various sources, including job or home events, divorce, bereavement, medical conditions, postnatal depression, or family history of mental health issues.
  2. Module 1: Introduction

    The online training course on workplace mental health first aid (MHFA) was created in Australia in 2001 to promote mental health knowledge and attitudes. Over 2 million people have learned MHFA.
  3. Brief Description of Mental Health First Aid

    The course "Mental Health First Aid" is designed to equip individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to provide initial support to someone experiencing a mental health crisis or developing a mental health problem.
  4. Module 9: Sitting a Patient Up

    In module nine, the discussion revolves around different ways a patient can sit up or be sat up from the edge of a bed. The first method involves the patient sitting on their own, adjusting the bed, and pushing their feet toward the bed's edge.
  5. Module 13: More Hoisting Techniques

    In module 13, caregivers discuss various methods to lift people from the floor, including using a hoist. Before using a hoist, cover the patient with a blanket and pillow. If necessary, choose the right slink for the patient's needs.
  6. Module 12: More Hoisting Practicalities

    In lesson 12, the focus is on real-world hoisting issues. When putting on a sling, ensure labels are facing away from the patient and follow the manufacturer's guidelines. The arm straps should be set to "short" and the leg straps should be set to "long."
  7. Module 8: Other Patient Manoeuvres

    Lesson eight teaches common ways to move a patient, such as supine patients, up or down the bed using a slides sheet. The patient should be lying down to avoid friction, but the method can also be used to sit them down before removing pillows or blankets.
  8. Module 10: Hoisting

    In module 10, we discuss the use of hoists in care settings. Hoists are essential for people who cannot move themselves and come in three types: mobile, stable, and gantry. They can be powered by batteries, electricity, or a person's hand.
  9. Module 11: Checking the Hoist

    Lifting things, like with hoists and slings, needs to be thought out carefully and done safely. The rules about lifting operations and lifting equipment, as well as the rules about health, safety, and welfare at work.
  10. Module 7: Bed Mobility

    Module seven discusses bed mobility and turning patients in bed. It emphasizes the importance of considering the patient's condition, including confusion, multiple injuries, or weak joints.