Term Archives

  1. Module 4: The Negotiation

    In lesson four, the focus is on negotiation and its basics. The first part of a negotiation involves understanding the other side's main goal, body language, and their flexibility.
  2. Module 3: Negotiating Positions

    Module three focuses on negotiating stances and determining the three main roles of a negotiation: the best place to live, the deal that makes sense, and the back-up deal. It is crucial to keep these three main positions in mind before starting negotiations.
  3. Module 2: The Key Negotiation Stages and Skills

    Negotiation is crucial for finding a middle ground between differing goals and settling disagreements. Positional trading is a common method, but wise agreements consider everyone's best interests, settle arguments fairly, and last.
  4. Module 1: What is Negotiation?

    Negotiation is a back-and-forth conversation aimed at finding a middle ground when both sides have goals that are at odds with each other. It is important for teams to work out their differences and make decisions.
  5. Berief Description of Negotiation

    This course teach people how to win in various negotiating situations. Negotiation, communication, dispute resolution, and ethics are common subjects in these courses. Participants learn how to prepare for talks, recognize their and the other party's interests, and find creative solutions that satisfy both.
  6. Module 6: Employees' Role: Part 2

    In module six, employees can help mental health first aid programs succeed by providing reassurance and respect to colleagues with mental health or substance use issues.
  7. Module 7: Employees' Role: Part 3

    In Module seven, employees can assist in mental health first aid programs by promoting self-care and managing anxiety. Anxiety disorders are the most common mental ailment, and employees can help coworkers manage anxiety by suggesting self-care strategies, such as muscular relaxing techniques, walking, jogging, or lifting weights.
  8. Module 5: Employees' Role: Part 1

    Module five discusses how employees can support mental health first aid programs. Mental health first aiders provide basic support to individuals with mental health concerns until they can access expert care.
  9. Module 4: The Role of Management

    In module four, the focus is on managers' role in mental health first aid success. The mental health of an organization relies on the relationship between managers and employees.
  10. Module 3: Employers' Role

    Module three focuses on how employers can ensure mental health first aid program effectiveness. About 25% of adults have mental health issues, and an unhealthy workplace can make it harder to manage these issues.