Term Archives

  1. Module 6: Self-care

    Self-care means taking care of yourself, supporting people to take responsibility for their own health and welfare so that you can be healthy both physically and mentally, you can be well, you can do your job, you can help and care for others, and you can do all the things you need to and want to accomplish in a day.
  2. Module 5: Privacy- Good Practice

    Majority of the people consider privacy to be a subset of dignity but we consider that it is so essential that we develop this module to precisely focus on the topic of maintaining privacy and dignity polices along with building a trust of service users.
  3. Module 4: Dignity - Good Practice Part 2

    Personal care is a valuable service that many individuals desire to live healthy and productive lives. It is important to remember that feel valued and secure, try creating a friendly and welcoming environment where they feel respected throughout their day-to-day routine.
  4. Module 3: Dignity – Good Practice Part 1

    In order to promote the dignity of all individuals, you should completely involve them in any decision that affects their care such as personal decisions which include what to eat, what to wear, what time to go to bed and the wider decisions about their care or support
  5. Brief Description of Dignity and Privacy

    This training course has been particularly designed for care and support workers in a social care setting such as healthcare centres. In simple words, this course is necessary for any staff members who provide direct care to patients or individuals needing support. It might also be useful for that audience of people who are eager to get knowledge about privacy and dignity in care.
  6. Module 1: Overview of the Course

    In this course, you will be learning about dignity and privacy within the healthcare sector and will explain how the two are quite linked to each other. In this course, you are going to learn what is meant by dignity and privacy particularly understands the principles that support dignity and privacy in care.
  7. Module 2: Understanding the Principles

    In order to understand the principles of dignity and privacy, you must have known about two crucial attributes while working with people in a caring supportive environment.
  8. Module 6: How to Respond to Complaints

    In module six, we will gain the fundamental skills to handle complaints effectively and professionally.
  9. Module 5: Resolving Dilemmas “support and advice”

    In module five, we will learn how to resolve dilemmas regarding duty of care, taking a look at key techniques for providing support and advice.
  10. Module 4: Duty of Care Dilemmas

    In module four, we will explore some common duty of care dilemmas in the workplace and how to overcome them.