Term Archives

  1. Module Five: Micro-Organisms

    This module explains how micro-organisms present a risk to food and outlines the conditions needed for optimum bacterial growth. The module details some technical terms that supervisors and managers should be aware of.
  2. Module Six: Food Poisoning and Food-Borne Illness

    This module looks at the dangers of food poisoning bacteria and food borne diseases. The module outlines each bacteria and explains their sources, control measures and symptoms.
  3. Module Three: Food Contamination

    This module explores the contamination hazards that can occur in food, looking at examples of each type of hazards and providing ways in which the risks can be reduced.
  4. Module Four: Controlling Contamination

    This module provides practical knowledge on how to prevent contamination, looking at the controls that should be in place from delivery of ingredients right through to the service or sale of the final product.
  5. Module Two: Food Safety Legislation

    This module explains your legal responsibilities and looks at how the law is enforced should your business not comply. The module looks at the specific legal responsibilities of supervisors.
  6. Module One: Introduction to Supervising Food Safety

    This module introduces the key terms and issues that surround supervising a food catering business. The module looks at why food safety is so important and how supervisors can contribute towards reducing risks.
  7. Brief Description of Supervising Food Safety-Level 3

    The Supervising Food Safety-Level 3 course targets food industry managers and supervisors, emphasizing legal compliance and best practices.
  8. Summary

    This course was designed to illustrate the significance of the Mental Capacity Act, not only in upholding the rights of individuals, but also in bringing a legislative safeguard to prevent adults at risk of abuse from having their requirements ignored or neglected.
  9. Module 4: The Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards

    The deprivation of liberty safeguards were set out in the codes of practice laid before parliament by the Lord Chancellor on 13th June 2008, in accordance with the Mental Capacity Act 2005.
  10. Module 3: Assessing Capacity

    In this module, we will discuss about how capacity is assessed who can carry out an assessment and making best interest decisions. When looking after a person in your care, you may be needed to carry out an assessment of capacity before carrying out any care or treatment.