Fire Marshal for Care Homes

Fire Marshal for Care Homes

Fire Marshal for Care Homes

Knowing Your Place as a Fire Marshal

Learn how important a fire marshal's work is in keeping care home staff and residents safe. This session makes it easy for anybody to understand the value of a fire fighter in emergency scenarios by breaking down the roles in plain language.

Fundamentals of Fire Prevention

Discover the essentials of preventing fires in nursing homes. This program emphasizes the proactive role that a fire marshal plays in preserving a safe environment by going over easy-to-implement yet efficient fire safety procedures.

Procedures for Emergency Evacuation

Recognize the exact steps involved in evacuating citizens in the event of a fire. This lesson streamlines the evacuation procedure and emphasizes the vital steps a fire marshal must take to guarantee a quick and secure evacuation in assisted living facilities.

Training on Fire Extinguishers

Turn your attention to learning the fundamentals of using a fire extinguisher. This session offers simple instructions on how to use a fire extinguisher by a fire marshal. As a result, it gives them the confidence to react when a tiny fire breaks out.

Interaction and Arrangement

Examine in further detail the significance of efficient coordination and communication in the event of a fire. The interpersonal skills required of a fire marshal are the main topic of this session. In the end, care facilities may be guaranteed a seamless reaction and evacuation procedure.


  1. Brief Description of Fire Marshal for Care Homes

    The "Fire Marshal for Care Homes" course is specifically designed to provide comprehensive training for individuals responsible for fire safety in care home settings.
  2. Module 1: Chemistry of Fire

    The module explains that a fire starts with fuel oxygen and heat, which can be solid or liquid. Fuel sources include cigarettes, heaters, and equipment.
  3. Module 2: Common Causes of Fire

    Module two covers the main fire causes. Arson is the leading cause of business fires. Arson causes 45% of severe fires. Much of this is untargeted. Most arson incidents are opportunistic vandalism.
  4. Module 3: Basic Safety Features in Buildings

    Module three examines workplace equipment that warns of fire, protects us from early phases, or helps us evacuate. Call points throughout the facility allow anyone to sound the alarm.
  5. Module 4: Introduction to Fire Extinguishers

    Module four examines workplace fire extinguishers to prevent the risk of selecting the wrong one or dangerously misusing one. Only trained staff should use extinguishers.
  6. Module 5: What to do in Cases of Fire?

    If you find a fire, leave the room and close the door after making sure everyone is out. This slows fire and smoke spread. Operate the call point to alarm. This alerts everyone in the building about a fire.
  7. Module 6: Fire Statistics

    You've completed basic fire awareness training. Our topic is ready for further exploration. To teach you how to be a fire marshal and why and what to do in a given situation.
  8. Module 7: Current Fire Safety Legislation

    This section covers the basics of England and Wales' fire safety laws. The 2005 regulatory reform, fire safety order, became the standard for fire safety management in 2006.
  9. Module 8: Fire Risk Assessment

    Fire risk assessments are not the fire marshal's responsibility. However, you must know how to detect hazards and their danger of harm. See to grasp this. I'll explain how to assess workplace risks.
  10. Module 9: Preventative Measures

    Employees should be aware of workplace fire causes, including arson, electrical equipment, smoking, and poor housekeeping. Fire marshals must be trained on these threats.
  11. Module 10: Safety Features within Buildings

    As a fire marshal, it's crucial to understand building regulations and equip commercial buildings with fire safety equipment and signage. This ensures heat and smoke don't spread uncontrollably and blocks escape routes in a fire.
  12. Module 11: Role of the Fire Marshal

    Fire marshals are responsible for identifying areas of fire risk and assessing them in an emergency. The size of these areas depends on the floor plan and number of rooms, not the number of employees.
  13. Module 12: Action on Fire Discovery

    As a fire marshal, your response to a fire will differ from what we learnt in the fire awareness course. If you see a fire, tell everyone to evacuate through their nearest fire exit and close the door.
  14. Module 13: Fire Drills and Evacuation

    Fire drills should be conducted twice a year to train individuals in responding calmly and orderly to fires and emergencies. They also allow safety personnel to test escape routes and ensure practicality.
  15. Module 14: Fire Extinguishers

    Fires have various causes, materials, intensity, and risks. The primary goal is to ensure everyone leaves safely, and tackling a fire should be done after sounded the alarm and confirming safe evacuation.
  16. Module 15: Pre-Engagement Action

    Fire extinguisher safety is crucial, and it's essential to engage the fire alarm and inform others of your firefighting plans. Disconnect any electrical or gas devices near the flames to reduce the risk of electric shock and heat source.
  17. Module 16: Using a Fire Extinguisher

    To put out a fire using a water extinguisher, sound the alarm, remove the safety ring pin, hold the nozzle near the end, aim it in a safe direction, and briefly operate it. Keep yourself between the flames and your escape route.

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