Questions Archives

Question 16 mca

Information that enables decision making must be made available in any format and language that suits the recipient?

Question 16 mca

Information that enables decision making must be made available in any format and language that suits the recipient?

Question 15 mca

At what age does the Mental Capacity Act guidance start to apply to patients?

Question 15 mca

At what age does the Mental Capacity Act guidance start to apply to patients?

Question 14 mca

When determining the best interests of a person you should always base your decision on the person's age, disability,...

Question 14 mca

When determining the best interests of a person you should always base your decision on the person's age, disability,...

Question 13 mca

An Independent Mental Capacity Advocate (IMCA) is someone who has been appointed to support the person who lacks capacity...

Question 13 mca

An Independent Mental Capacity Advocate (IMCA) is someone who has been appointed to support the person who lacks capacity...

Question 12 mca

Staff will not know whether they are acting with the patient's consent if they do not carry out an...

Question 12 mca

Staff will not know whether they are acting with the patient's consent if they do not carry out an...

Question 11 mca

Mental capacity within the context of the MCA means the ability to make a decision?

Question 11 mca

Mental capacity within the context of the MCA means the ability to make a decision?

Question 10 mca

An Independent Mental Capacity Advocate (IMCA) is?

Question 10 mca

An Independent Mental Capacity Advocate (IMCA) is?

Question 9 mca

All people with mental illness lack capacity?

Question 9 mca

All people with mental illness lack capacity?

Question 8 mca

The assumption is always that a person has capacity to make a decision?

Question 8 mca

The assumption is always that a person has capacity to make a decision?

Question 7 mca

It is better that you make decisions for old and frail people?

Question 7 mca

It is better that you make decisions for old and frail people?