Term Archives

  1. Module 6: How to Respond to Complaints CC

    In module six, we will gain the fundamental skills to handle complaints effectively and professionally.
  2. Module 5: Resolving Dilemmas “Support and Advice” CC

    In module five, we will learn how to resolve dilemmas regarding duty of care, taking a look at key techniques for providing support and advice.
  3. Module 4: Duty of Care Dilemmas CC

    In module four, we will explore some common duty of care dilemmas in the workplace and how to overcome them.
  4. Module 3: How Duty of Care Affects Your Work CC

    In module three, we will explore the different ways in which having duty of care responsibilities affects your own work role.
  5. Module 2: The Consequences of Duty of Care CC

    In module two, we will learn about the implications of duty of care in the workplace and the legal obligations of managers and employers.
  6. Module 1: The Course Structure CC

    In module one, we will be guided through the key topics that will be discussed in each module.
  7. Duty of Care CC

    This training course “Duty of care” has been particularly designed to provide managers and employers with an understanding of duty of care best practice in the workplace. It might also be useful for that audience of people who are eager to get knowledge about duty of care in the workplace.
  8. Module 7: Confidentiality

    Intro to Module 7 secrecy. Healthcare gives you access to a lot of information about your patients. You'll discover about their health, work, family, and maybe money.
  9. Module 6: Getting Help with Communication Issues

    Welcome to Module 6. Getting communication aid. Many services can improve your communication abilities. Charity websites offer advice on communication technology. Joining local clubs or finding events online might also assist.
  10. Module 5: Checking Understanding

    In module five we will discuss about verifying, comprehending checking sure the service user understands your communication is crucial. You can learn several abilities to verify your communication. Here are some significant ones.