Term Archives

  1. Module 7: Institutional Discrimination CC

    For several years, the idea of institutional discrimination has been in existence. As the name indicates that institutional discrimination exists when a whole organization included rather than just an individual is operating in a discriminatory way with this discrimination.
  2. Module 4: Promoting Diversity CC

    The actor makes special provisions to help promote diversity within society and organizations. This can include an element of positive discrimination obviously that has to be moderated in some way.
  3. Module 6: Stereotypes, Prejudices and Discrimination CC

    Identifying prejudice and discrimination is not always simple because attitudes are often bound up in cultural norms. The ideas and customs we grew up with, we often think of them as just common sense.
  4. Module 5: Links Between Values, Attitudes and Beliefs CC

    The way we behave is governed by our values, attitudes and beliefs. Our values and beliefs are established in early childhood. We are all a product of our upbringing. The four key influences during childhood such as parents, teachers or peers and the media belong to any culture.
  5. Module 3: What do we mean by discrimination? CC

    We already know about the word discrimination and heard a lot about it. In this module, we are going to discuss six different types of discrimination including:
  6. Module 2: Equality and Diversity Legislation CC

    It has four main objectives which updates and amends existing laws for England, Wales and Scotland. It creates a new single equality duty on public bodies which extends the scope for positive action with new provisions for positive discrimination.
  7. Module 1: What is Equality & Diversity? CC

    In this course, we will discuss about equality and diversity and how they are interlinked with each other. This will assist us to identify, understand and address the issues of wrongness and discrimination in the workplace. We all heard about the words of equality and diversity before but are still valuable to start by defining exactly what they mean.
  8. Equality, diversity, and discrimination CC

    Equality, diversity and discrimination have never been so essential to society but now it is very important. At this moment, there is no form of discrimination in the workplace.
  9. Brief Description of Understanding Your Role in Care

    Understanding your role in care involves recognizing your responsibilities and duties within a healthcare setting. It necessitates actively engaging in patient-centered care, adhering to professional standards, and ensuring the delivery of high-quality and compassionate services.
  10. Module 1: The Course Structure

    This first lesson of our online training course explains the role of the social care professional. I'll briefly describe the course. We'll define social care, discuss why people select it as a job, and discuss its goals and objectives.