Term Archives

  1. Module 4: Reflecting on your Work Activities

    Welcome to module 4. Reflecting on work activities helps you learn and grow. Reflecting on your past acts is a terrific method to acknowledge your accomplishments and failures and examine your actions from many perspectives to design future care strategies.
  2. Module 7: Resolving Conflicts

    Welcome to conflict resolution module seven. You may need to help a service user question and dispute life and care decisions
  3. Module 6: Working in Partnership

    Welcome to Module 6. In senior social care, cooperation and person-centered ideals guide support and assistance. The service user is the focus.
  4. Module 5: Keeping up-to-date

    Welcome to Module 5. Updating your employer's or organization's accepted ways of working allows you to give a high-quality, legal, and safe service to service users. These guidelines protect service users and you and your company.
  5. Module 4: Agreed Ways of Working

    Welcome to Module 4. Workflows agreed upon in module two. It's crucial to know your social care worker duties. Working within the company's policies is part of your job.
  6. Module 3: Relationships

    Hi there, module three relationships. A fundamental skill of social workers is developing solid working relationships. Many social care recipients receive help from others. Therefore, everyone involved must discuss and agree on support care or help.
  7. Module 2: Understanding Social Care

    Welcome to Module 2 on social care, which provides social work, personal care protection, and social assistance to children, adults, and at-risk persons with disease, disability, old age, or poverty.
  8. Module 10: Course Summary CC

    We began the course by defining what we mean by the terms equality and diversity. We saw that equality is the state of being equal particularly in status rights or opportunities. Diversity is the state or quality of being different or varied.
  9. Module 9: Resistance to Feedback CC

    People may react to feedback in a number of different ways. They may deny what you're saying to them or they may try to justify their actions and explain away the fact that they didn't meet the standard.
  10. Module 8: Valuing Others CC

    Valuing others is central to the whole issue of equality and diversity. We already defined equality in the previous modules “as the state of being equal particularly in status, rights or opportunities.