Term Archives

  1. Module 4: dignity-good practice part 2 CC

    Personal care is a valuable service that many individuals desire to live healthy and productive lives. It is important to remember that feel valued and secure, try creating a friendly and welcoming environment where they feel respected throughout their day-to-day routine.
  2. Module 3: Dignity – Good Practice Part 1 CC

    In order to promote the dignity of all individuals, you should completely involve them in any decision that affects their care such as personal decisions which include what to eat, what to wear, what time to go to bed and the wider decisions about their care or support
  3. Module 2: Understanding The Principles CC

    In order to understand the principles of dignity and privacy, you must have known about two crucial attributes while working with people in a caring supportive environment.
  4. Module 1: Overview of The Course CC

    In this course, you will be learning about dignity and privacy within the healthcare sector and will explain how the two are quite linked to each other. In this course, you are going to learn what is meant by dignity and privacy particularly understands the principles that support dignity and privacy in care.
  5. Dignity and Privacy CC

    This training course has been particularly designed for care and support workers in a social care setting such as healthcare centres. In simple words, this course is necessary for any staff members who provide direct care to patients or individuals needing support. It might also be useful for that audience of people who are eager to get knowledge about privacy and dignity in care.
  6. Module 6: Case Study CC

    In this module we're going to walk you through the full story of a person centered approach, so you can see how it works in the real world to produce a successful outcome that meets the needs and goals of the service user, the carers, the associated medical staff, and the service user’s family.
  7. Module 5: Example Care Plans CC

    When filling out a care plan, each section has a space where you can write down relevant issues and being taken to address them. Apparently, care plans will vary with your organization and with the individual, but let’s make a start with the care plan for James Smith.
  8. Module 4: Daily Reports CC

    Daily reports play a significant role in person-centered care approach and relate directly to the information in your care plans. Basically, a daily report is a form in which you record routine events. It is in fact, a legal document, so the facts you record should be accurate and consistent, giving a true account of what happened.
  9. Module 3: Care Plans and Consent CC

    A good way of implementing a person-centered approach for an individual service user is to find out about their preferences, desires and needs. The best way of doing this is by working in partnership with the service user and their family, friends, carers and medical experts such as doctors, therapists and social workers.
  10. Module 2: Definitions and Values CC

    What is meant by person-centered care approach? Well, it is started in the 1940’s, centered around the revolutionary ideas of American psychologist Dr. Carl Rogers who began moving away from assumptions that the expert knew best what was good for the client.