Term Archives

  1. Module 7: Overcoming Barriers to Dignity and Privacy CC

    The preservation of dignity is one of the most debated yet inconclusive challenges in health care. There are three main areas which if not handled professionally can act as barriers to your ability to treat service users with dignity and privacy
  2. Module 5: Privacy- Good Practice CC

    Majority of the people consider privacy to be a subset of dignity but we consider that it is so essential that we develop this module to precisely focus on the topic of maintaining privacy and dignity polices along with building a trust of service users.
  3. Module 7: Confidentiality CC

    Intro to Module 7 secrecy. Healthcare gives you access to a lot of information about your patients. You'll discover about their health, work, family, and maybe money.
  4. Module 6: Getting Help with Communication Issues CC

    Welcome to Module 6. Getting communication aid. Many services can improve your communication abilities. Charity websites offer advice on communication technology. Joining local clubs or finding events online might also assist.
  5. Module 5: Checking Understanding CC

    In module five we will discuss about verifying, comprehending checking sure the service user understands your communication is crucial. You can learn several abilities to verify your communication. Here are some significant ones.
  6. Module 4: Reducing Communication Barriers CC

    Reduce communication hurdles in module four. As your communication skills improve, you will learn how to interact with fellow professionals, service users, and their families and friends to communicate successfully with individuals with varied requirements.
  7. Module 3: Identifying Communication Barriers CC

    In module three, recognizing communication barriers, you'll encounter obstacles regardless of your communication approach. These hinder communication. These are the basic hurdles, however you may confront more than one in some instances.
  8. Module 1: Reasons People Communicate CC

    Welcome to module one. I'll begin with a course summary. We'll then discuss communication's relevance in social care before defining communication and explaining the communication cycle.
  9. Module 2: Ways of Communicating CC

    Welcome to module two communication methods. Start with some of the most common ways you'll interact at work with service users, their families, coworkers, managers, supervisors, and other professionals.
  10. The Principle of Communication CC

    A "Principles of Communication" course is a comprehensive exploration of the fundamental concepts and practices that underpin effective communication.