Term Archives

  1. Module 1: the course structure CC

    In this module, we are going to learn about learning disability. This course will also provide a general idea of many different patterns of learning disability affect people. We will also go through the causes of learning disability, characteristics in people with learning disabilities and variations in learning disability from mild to profound.
  2. Learning Disability Awareness CC

    This online Learning Disability Awareness training course has been carefully designed so that the learner can gain a greater understanding of learning disabilities, and the issues that surround those who have them and live with those who have them. This course aims to improve caregivers’ awareness of learning disabilities.
  3. Module 2: The Brain CC

    Let’s have a look at the various parts of the brain. The first part, frontal lobes which are controller damage; can lead to the individual no longer being aware of what actions could be seen by others as unsuitable. Next, the parietal lobes damage to these by dementia will cause the individual to have difficulty with language vision or knowing what's up things are fool. Finally, the temporal lobes damage to this area of the brain causes the individual to have problems with short term memory and eventually the long term memories may also fade away as the damage increases further into the deeper regions of the brain.
  4. Module 1: what is dementia? CC

    Dementia is an umbrella term used to describe a number a different diseases that affect the brain, particularly memory, behaviour, thinking and emotion. It is estimated to affect over 44 million people worldwide.
  5. Module 3: Alzheimer’s disease & Parkinson’s [S1] Disease CC

    Alzheimer’s disease is one of the most common forms of dementia. Other causes include vascular disease, dementia with Lewy bodies, fronto-temporal dementia and korsakoff syndrome.
  6. Module 4: Strategies to use with clients with Dementia CC

    Communication or interaction with a person who has dementia, an increasing challenge as a person gradually loses his/her memory, inability to organize and express his/her thoughts. In case of majority people, loss of memory means that past merge with the present resulting difficulty for family members.
  7. Dementia Awareness CC

    This course has been particularly designed to raise the awareness and skills of care staff who work with people with dementia. This course seeks out to improve the welfare and experience of people with dementia.
  8. Module 3: Symptoms and Strategies to Help - Part 2 CC

    There are a number of types of anxiety disorders that include social phobias a condition known as social anxiety disorder, through to a general feeling of excessive anxiety or worry that can last for months at a time known as generalized anxiety disorder.
  9. Module 2: Symptoms and Strategies to Help CC

    In this module, we will discuss about symptoms of bipolar depression, psychotic disorders and schizophrenia and strategies to provide assistance. Most well-known mental illnesses such as bipolar, psychosis, anxiety and panic attacks, depression, dementia and obsessive compulsive disorder which is commonly known as OCD.
  10. Module 1: What is Mental Illness and Prevalence Rates? CC

    In this module, we will discuss about what mental sickness is and what its prevalence rates are. Many People often associate the words mental health with mental illness and there are many definitions of what mental health actually is.