Term Archives

  1. Principle of Personal Development CC

    The principle of personal development revolves around continuous self-improvement and growth. It emphasizes the cultivation of a proactive mindset, fostering a commitment to learning and adapting to new challenges.
  2. Module 2: Setting Standards CC

    Start module two setting standards. There are regulations, laws, and processes that employers and care providers must follow in the care sector. National minimal standards (N MS) and national occupational standards (N OS) are the primary sets.
  3. Module 1: the course structure CC

    In module 1 “introduction to infection control” we will give you a brief overview of the course. It will commence by defining infection prevention and control and the impact of good and bad infection control on patients staff and employers.
  4. Module 2: infection prevention and control CC

    In module 2, we will discuss about infection prevention and control and the impact of infection. According to World Health Organization (WHO) says infection prevention and control measures aimed to make certain the protection of those who might be vulnerable to requiring an infection both in the general community and while receiving care due to health problems in a range of settings.
  5. Module 7: cleaning and decontamination CC

    A general term used to describe the destruction or removal of microbial contamination to render an item or the environment safe. The term decontamination includes sterilization, disinfection and cleaning.
  6. Module 6: The Control and Prevention of Infection CC

    In this module, we will discuss about the control and prevention of infection. An overview of the areas we need to address if we are to establish and maintain effective hygiene practices such as good hand hygiene, correct use and disposal of PPE, handling and disposal of waste, cleaning and decontamination.
  7. Module 5: The Chain of Infection CC

    Most of the infectious diseases follow a chain of infection that ends with an infected host. The chain of infection is made-up of six different links the infectious agent, reservoir, portal of exit, means of transmission, portal of entry, and the new susceptible host.
  8. Module 3: The Different Microorganisms CC

    There are four common types of microorganisms including bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites. Microorganisms are living things to grow and multiply. They need an adequate food source, warmth, moisture in time. Some also need oxygen or to be shielded from direct light.
  9. Module 4: How Bacteria are Transmitted? CC

    Microorganisms are capable of causing disease or pathogens usually enter our bodies through the mouth, eyes, nose or urogenital openings or through wounds or bites that breached the skin barrier. Microorganisms can spread or be transmitted by several routes.
  10. Infection Control CC

    Infection control and prevention is a major challenge for health care systems all across the globe. There is a vital opportunity to reduce avoidable morbidity and mortality through improvements to infection control such as during the COVID-19 pandemic.