Term Archives

  1. Module 3: Action Following Investigations

  2. Module 2: Informal Steps and Raising a Formal Complaint

  3. Module 1: Policy Commitments, Harassment And Bullying

    Welcome to Module 1. This course begins with anti-harassment and bullying policy commitments. Then we will separate harassment from bullying. Your company opposes harassment and bullying and respects employees.
  4. Brief Description of Anti Harassment and Bullying

    This course covers the obligations that should be spelled out in the anti-harassment and bullying policy of your organization to comply with UK legislation, and it is included in this course. It outlines the differences between harassment and bullying,
  5. Module 9: External Monitoring and Review

    All food enterprises are externally monitored and reviewed in this module. To enforce the legislation, all food establishments will be examined. Local government personnel will inspect the business's food safety.
  6. Module 8: Internal Monitoring and Review

    Food manufacturer monitoring and reviews are covered in this subject. Manufacturers must regularly check their allergen control systems for proper operation. Hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP) is a systematic preventative strategy to food safety and production.
  7. Module 7: Allergen Information for Consumers

    This module discusses allergen disclosure by manufacturers. Manufacturers of food labels must separate allergenic substances from other additives. Background color, typeface, and design should follow legal guidelines.
  8. Module 6: Food Allergens - Practical Steps

    This program addresses practical ways to guarantee your food company complies with the law and protects allergy sufferers. Allergen-related practical steps.
  9. Module 5: Food Allergens and the Law

    This subject discusses food allergy law. First, food hygiene standards affect food industry components. It might be a restaurant, canteen, club, bar, school, hospital, etc.
  10. Module 4: Allergen Facts

    This session explains why allergy rates are rising and how to treat allergy symptoms. Recent surveys reveal that allergy rates are rising worldwide, especially in the UK, Europe, and the US. All industrializing nations.