Term Archives

  1. Module 9: Dealing with Customer Complaints

    Welcome to module nine of our online customer service training course, which offers practical tips on handling client complaints.
  2. Module 8: Non-Verbal Communication and Body Language

    Our online customer service training module eight covers nonverbal communication and body language. Communication is 93% nonverbal when someone speaks to you or you speak to them, according to research.
  3. Module 7: Communication Skills

    Verbal communication skills are covered in module seven of our online customer service training. Begin with another query. Communication, what?
  4. Module 6: Making Customers Feel Great from the Start

    Module six of our online customer service training. Creating a positive first impression, make sure your staff appears educated and professional.
  5. Module 5: Delivering Maximum Levels of Customer Service

    Welcome to module five of our online customer service training course, setting up for optimal service. See the module title?
  6. Module 4: Discovering and Understanding Customer Needs

    Our online customer service training course's fourth lesson is finding and understanding client demands. Knowing what your consumers want from your product or service can help you give excellent customer service.
  7. Module 3: The Goals of Great Customer Service

    In module three of our online customer service training course, we discuss exceptional customer service, sales service, maintenance, and company image. Department-specific customer service goals will differ within your firm.13
  8. Module 2: What is Customer Service

    Welcome to module two of our online customer service training. What is customer service and why is it important? As expected, let's define a customer.
  9. Module 1: About the Course

    We'll start our online customer service training course with a quick introduction in module one. Start by explaining what customer service is and why it's so important for your company and coworkers.
  10. Module 3: Covid-19 In the Daily Work Environment

    Under this session we'll examine COVID-19's effects on workplace routines and how to keep everyone safe. Workplace layouts. Employers should maintain social distances wherever feasible.