Term Archives

  1. Module 2: What is the Mental Capacity Act?

    We will now discuss in depth the five statutory principles of the act. These five principles must inform everything you do when providing care or treatment for a person who lacks capacity. The aim of these statutory principles is to protect those who lack capacity as well as helping them takes part when possible in the decisions that affect them.
  2. Module 1: Introduction

    In this module, we will describe many facets and procedures of the Mental Capacity Act in detail. This includes who the act affects, when it applies, how to assess capacity and the procedures that can be put in place in the home or workplace to make sure best practices are followed and people are treated fairly at all times.
  3. Brief Description of Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (MCA and DOLs)

    The Mental Capacity Act 2005 governs decision-making on behalf of adults who may not be able to make their own decisions such as a learning disability, an illness such as dementia, a brain injury, and mental health problems.
  4. Brief Description of Level 1 Food Safety – Retailing

    This Level 1 Food Safety-Manufacturing course has been designed to provide assistance to anyone who handles, prepares or serves food in the catering industry.
  5. Module 8: Legal Framework, Opportunities & Safeguarding

    As the module heading indicates that it covers the legal framework along with opportunities and safeguarding. First, start through the legal framework in which you as a carer can provide support to an individual with learning disabilities find the right balance between opportunities and safeguarding their interests, legal framework, policy and guidelines.
  6. Module 7: Meeting Needs Part 3

    This module covers meeting needs (part 3). Lack of a supportive social network and the stigma attached with learning disabilities may lead to an individual avoiding contacting a variety of specialized health services.
  7. Module 6: Meeting Needs Part 2

    In this module, we will look at some more ways to meet the needs of people with learning disabilities. As a carer, you should be trained to manage every day. Physical needs: Some people despite having multiple learning disabilities are fully mobile. Several may use a wheelchair.
  8. Module 5: Meeting Needs Part 1

    In this module, we are going to learn about how the problems associated with learning disability can be addressed. Let’s start with the management of care facilities. Management by management, we mean the multidisciplinary physical and emotional support for people with learning disabilities, their carers and their families.
  9. Module 4: Person-centered Approach

    In this module, individual with learning disabilities are regarded as unique individuals. Each of them has a different personality, life history and experience. By adopting a person-centered approach; you can help to build on the individual’s skill and abilities, and the condition can become more positive.
  10. Module 3: New Understanding

    In this module, learning disabilities were assessed through intellectual impairment. An IQ of 50 to 70 was regarded as the Mild Learning Disability. 35 to 50 were categorized as Moderate Learning Disability. Individual with an IQ range between 20 and 35 were considered to have a Severe Learning Disability.