Stroke Awareness

Stroke Awareness

Stroke Awareness

This is a stroke, right?

Stroke is the topic that will be covered in this module. Having a stroke occurs when there is a disruption in the flow of blood to the brain. A blood artery that has burst or a blockage could be the source of this condition. A first step towards recognising and preventing strokes is to get an understanding of what strokes are.

Different Types of Strokes

Explore the many types of strokes and the symptoms that are associated with them. The difference between ischemic strokes and hemorrhagic strokes is that the former occurs when a blood clot plugs a blood vessel in the brain, while the latter occurs when a blood vessel breaks. In order to facilitate early intervention, it is essential to recognise these distinctions.

Recognising the Signs

Master the ability to identify the symptoms of a stroke. One of the most common symptoms is sudden numbness or weakness in the face, arm, or leg, often on one side of the body. Other symptoms include sudden confusion, difficulty speaking or understanding, sudden difficulty seeing in one or both eyes, sudden difficulty walking, dizziness, or loss of balance. The ability to act quickly can save lives.

Preventive measures and risk factors

Examine the risk factors for strokes, including smoking, obesity, high blood pressure, and inactivity. We'll talk about dietary adjustments and other preventative steps that can dramatically lower the chance of having a stroke.

Recovery and Emergency Reaction

Discover the significance of intervening quickly when someone is experiencing a stroke in this last module. Every minute matters! We'll also go over the fundamentals of stroke rehabilitation and recovery, stressing the value of continued care and assistance.


  1. Brief Description of Stroke Awareness

    In the United Kingdom, strokes are the primary reason for people being unable to work and are the fourth largest cause of mortality overall. If you believe that someone is having a stroke and you know the causes and symptoms of the disease,
  2. Module 1: Signs and Symptoms

    Did you know the UK has over 100,000 strokes annually? About one every five minutes. Strokes are the fourth largest cause of mortality and disability in the UK. Over 1.2 million Brits have survived strokes.
  3. Module 2: Types of Stroke and Their Causes

    Welcome to module two stroke kinds and causes. You undoubtedly know there are different forms of stroke. Ischemic strokes—blockages that cut brain blood flow—are the most prevalent cause. About 85% of adult strokes are ischemic.
  4. Module 3: Diagnosis, Treatment and Recovery

    In module three we will discuss diagnosis, treatment, and recovery. A stroke is a medical urgency for diagnosis. Someone with stroke symptoms should contact 999 immediately. They'll likely be admitted to an acute or super-acute stroke unit immediately.
  5. Module 4: Post Stroke Problems and Care

    Welcome to post-stroke care module four. All strokes are different for some people. Some have short-term impacts, while others suffer long-term issues. A stroke can impair bodily function. Although all strokes are distinct, many patients encounter some similar issues.

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