Uncovering the Concept of Person-Centred Care
The idea of providing care that is Person-Centred on the individual will be dissected in this section. When you discover this, you will realise that the most important thing is to put the individual at the centred of their care journey. We will investigate how this strategy takes into account the specific requirements, preferences, and objectives of each individual.
Building Trusting Relationships
Become aware of the significance of establishing trustworthy connections within the context of person-centred care. We are going to talk about the importance of active listening, empathy and respect as fundamental components in the process of cultivating meaningful connections. Gain an understanding of how these components contribute to the improvement of the quality of care that is provided.
Empowering Choice and Independence
In person-centered care, empowerment is an essential value. A strong emphasis is placed throughout this session on the necessity of providing options and encouraging independence. We recognise the autonomy of individuals and enhance their dignity when we involve them in the decision-making process regarding their care.
Adapting Care Plans
Investigate the process of adapting care plans to the specific requirements and preferences of each individual. When it comes to the development of personalised care plans, we will talk about the significance of collaboration between carers and affected individuals. In this section, the flexibility that is required to alter care plans in response to changing requirements is highlighted.
Brief Description of Person-Centered Care
This training course is an in-depth exploring about how person-centered care puts people and their families at the center of any care and support intervention. Content includes assessment and support planning, through to provision of care in residential or home care settings.
Module 1: Course Overview
In this course, we are going to learn about person centered approaches for care and support, and how to implement a person-centered approach in an adult social care setting.
Module 2: Definitions and Values
What is meant by person-centered care approach? Well, it is started in the 1940’s, centered around the revolutionary ideas of American psychologist Dr. Carl Rogers who began moving away from assumptions that the expert knew best what was good for the client.
Module 3: Care Plans and Consent
A good way of implementing a person-centered approach for an individual service user is to find out about their preferences, desires and needs. The best way of doing this is by working in partnership with the service user and their family, friends, carers and medical experts such as doctors, therapists and social workers.
Daily reports play a significant role in person-centered care approach and relate directly to the information in your care plans. Basically, a daily report is a form in which you record routine events. It is in fact, a legal document, so the facts you record should be accurate and consistent, giving a true account of what happened.
Module 5: Example Care Plans
When filling out a care plan, each section has a space where you can write down relevant issues and being taken to address them. Apparently, care plans will vary with your organization and with the individual, but let’s make a start with the care plan for James Smith.
In this module we're going to walk you through the full story of a person centered approach, so you can see how it works in the real world to produce a successful outcome that meets the needs and goals of the service user, the carers, the associated medical staff, and the service user’s family.
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