Paediatric First Aid

Paediatric First Aid

Paediatric First Aid

Comprehending Emergencies in Children (First Aid Foundations)

We'll break down frequent paediatric emergencies in this module and provide you the basic skills you need to react appropriately. Acquire the knowledge to identify distress signals and administer prompt, kid-friendly first aid.

Cuts, Scrapes, and Bruises: First Aid for Tender Care

Learn easy-to-use yet essential methods for managing common childhood injuries. This module guarantees that you are ready to administer the necessary first aid to soothe and heal, from cleansing wounds to putting on bandages.

Fevers and Aches:

Discover the realm of paediatric ailments and discover what to do when a child is ill. Learn useful skills that have an impact, from treating fevers to relieving pains. First aid is not only for wounds; it is also for reassuring young patients when they are ill.

Emergency Care for Choking and Breathing Incidents: Treating Every Breath

The life-saving techniques for choking and breathing problems are the main topic of this module. Discover how to do basic life support and open airways in a child-appropriate manner. Every breath counts, and you can save their lives by providing first assistance.

Identifying Allergies and Performing First Aid

Knowing about allergies is essential for providing paediatric . This module explains how to identify allergic responses and quickly provide the necessary first assistance. Make sure you have all you need to confidently address allergy-related situations.


  1. Brief Description of Paediatric First Aid

    The "Paediatric First Aid" course is designed to equip individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to provide first aid specifically for infants and children. Participants learn how to recognize and respond to common medical emergencies and injuries affecting children, including CPR, choking, burns, and allergic reactions.
  2. Module 1: Introduction to Paediatric First Aid

    Welcome to module one, which defines essential terms, introduces the course, and explains how it will be graded. This training gives you the theoretical understanding, skills, and confidence to handle pediatric first aid scenarios.
  3. Module 2: Planning and Preparation

    Module 2 focuses on first aid for children and infants, highlighting the differences in first aid approaches due to size disparities. First aiders must assess and enter situations confidently, providing interim treatments to save lives in life-threatening emergencies.
  4. Module 3: Essential First Aid Knowledge and Skills

    Module 3 focuses on first aid in childcare, focusing on managing serious situations with confidence. First aiders must first assess the child's well-being and take logical actions to address the problem best.
  5. Module 4: Basic Life Support

    Welcome to module four on resuscitation and basic life support. Let's begin. Pediatric first aid includes learning resuscitation and basic life support. What is basic life support? For this training module, BLS is part of emergency. Kids' first aid.
  6. Module 5: Fractures and Head Injuries

    This module examines fractures in children and newborns, focusing on skull, spinal, concussion, and compression fractures. Child and newborn bones are softer and more malleable than adult bones, often bending without breaking or partially.
  7. Module 6: Shock, Bleeding and Dressing Wounds

    Welcome to module 6. This topic covers shock, including electric, anaphylactic, and external and internal bleeding. First, shock. Shock can be life-threatening and requires medical attention. Trauma, heat stroke, allergic reactions, serious infections, poisonings, and severe burns all induce shock in children and infants.
  8. Module 7: Specific Medical Conditions

    Module seven explores the impact of medical issues on children and newborns, emphasizing the importance of first aid in certain situations. For instance, a child with pre-diagnosed asthma or diabetes may require first aid support.
  9. Module 8: Minor Injuries

    Module eight discusses the potential injuries and mishaps that children and newborns may experience, including bruising, cuts, and grazes. First aid is essential for minor injuries, and if internal bleeding is severe, medical attention is needed. Cuts and grazes can range in severity, and gentle washing or bathing can remove dirt and pollution.
  10. Module 9: First Aid Documentation and First Aid Kits

    Module 9 focuses on creating pediatric first aid protocols for effective delivery. It provides a written framework for delivering first aid to children, ensuring they are prepared for various accidents, injuries, and illnesses.

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