Moving and Handling (Non Clinical)

Moving and Handling (Non Clinical)

Moving and Handling (Non Clinical)

Fundamentals of Moving and Handling

In this section, we will discuss the fundamental principles that govern the moving and handling of non-clinical types of objects. Educate yourself on the significance of accurate practices and the ways in which you can safeguard yourself against damage. The key to safe and effective handling is having a solid understanding of the fundamentals.

Assessing Risks in Moving and Handling

Find out how to recognise the potential dangers that are linked with tasks that involve moving and handling in environments that are not clinical. The purpose of this lesson is to educate you how to identify potential dangers and how to take preventative actions in order to protect not only yourself but also other people. In order to prevent accidents, risk assessment is absolutely necessary.

Techniques in Practice

Learn how to properly lift, transport, and manoeuvre a variety of objects by exploring the practical approaches that are available. This session will equip you with the abilities necessary to manage non-clinical duties with confidence and ease. These skills include understanding weight distribution and properly utilising equipment throughout the treatment process.

Ergonomics in Everyday Life

Learn the significance of ergonomics in preventing accidents that can occur during activities that are performed on a daily basis. Educate yourself on how to set up your workspace and how to organise objects in a way that will alleviate tension and enhance comfort. This module places an emphasis on the role that ergonomic principles play in ensuring the health of the musculoskeletal system.

Taking Care of Your Health and Wellness

Self-care and injury prevention are the topics that are covered in this final session. Gain an understanding of the methods that can help you keep your physical and mental health in check while you are performing duties that involve moving and handling. Make your health a top priority in order to ensure your lifespan and productivity in situations that are not clinical.


  1. Brief Description of Moving and Handling (Non Clinical)

    The Moving and Handling (Non-Clinical) course is a crucial training program that teaches individuals the necessary skills to safely and effectively carry loads in non-clinical situations. It is designed to help individuals in various workplaces, such as retail, office, and leisure.
  2. Module 1: Introduction

    After reading this part, you should be able to show that you understand: the laws that govern moving and handling; the terms used in moving and handling; data about moving and handling.
  3. Module 2: Anatomy

    After reading this part, you should be able to show that you understand: What is the most vulnerable part of the spine? What is good and bad posture? How does bad posture lead to injuries?
  4. Module 3: Principles of Safe Handling

    After reading this part, you should be able to show that you understand: biomechanics and psychological principles to make handling safer, a good position for working.
  5. Module 4: Load Management

    After reading this part, you should be able to show that you understand: how to spot and avoid using the wrong ways to move and handle things, the right way to move and handle things.
  6. Module 5: Ergonomic Risk Assessment

    After reading this part, you should be able to show that you understand: A moving and handling ergonomic risk assessment, what an ergonomic risk assessment is?

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