Managing Sickness and Absence

Managing Sickness and Absence

Managing Sickness and Absence

Comprehending Sickness (Main Focus: Illness)

We dissect what sickness means for both companies and employees in this module. Recognize the warning signs of disease and know how critical it is to treat illnesses quickly. The first step in managing illness is understanding it.

Establishing a Helpful Environment

Learn how to create an environment at work that promotes worker well-being. Discover easy ways to foster a friendly environment, such as open communication and flexible scheduling. Effective illness management heavily relies on a supportive environment.

It Matters to Communicate

Examine how communication plays a part in handling absences and sickness. To facilitate open communication about illness among employees, learn how to start talks about health issues. Good communication is the key to handling illness with compassion.

Procedures and Policies to Follow

Having a firm understanding of the necessity of policies and procedures pertaining to absences and illnesses is essential. With the help of this module, the process of establishing and adhering to standards is simplified, which ensures that sickness management is carried out in a fair and consistent manner throughout the organization.

Planning for a Return to Workers

Investigate the possibility of using a staged approach to bring employees back to work once they fall ill. Gain an understanding of the value of a well-thought-out return-to-work plan in the context of health management and the promotion of a smooth transition for employees who are returning from leave.


  1. Brief Description of Managing Sickness and Absence

    Workplace sickness and absence management is essential for productivity and employee well-being. Employers must have clear rules for short-term and long-term illness absences.
  2. Module 1: The Costs and Impact of Employee Absence

    In 2016, the UK missed 137 million work days due to illness or injury. The costs of these gaps include paying workers who aren't present, hiring and training temporary workers, and managing time and continuity issues.
  3. Module 2: Measuring and Managing Employee Absence

    Module two focuses on tracking and managing staff absences, which is crucial for businesses and groups to identify trends and set goals for growth. Tracking absences involves measuring the total number of days lost, the rate of lost time, the regularity of absences, and any possible trigger points.
  4. Module 3: Legislation, Processes, and Pay

    This course discusses employee absence laws, steps to take, and pay issues. It covers unexpected reasons for absences, including sick days and the Employment Rights Act.

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