Lockdown Procedure in Schools

Lockdown Procedure in Schools

Lockdown Procedure in Schools

Recognizing the Requirement for a Lockdown Protocol

Within the context of educational institutions, this introductory module digs into the significance of putting in place a lockdown mechanism. Discover the significance of being prepared and the ways in which a well-defined procedure may guarantee the safety of all individuals in challenging situations.

Important Elements of the Lockdown Process

An investigation into the elements that make up an effective lockdown approach is required. From the protocols for communication to the designated safe zones, we will guide you through the procedures that provide a comprehensive and easy-to-follow approach during times of emergency.

Positions and Accountabilities

It's critical to know who does what during a lockdown. The roles and obligations of staff members, teachers, and students are made clear in this session. Each person contributes significantly to the process and the community's overall safety at the school.

It Takes Practice to Become Perfect at Drilling

The secret to being ready is practice. Discover how routine exercises help everyone become accustomed to the lockdown protocol, minimizing anxiety and guaranteeing a seamless reaction during actual situations. Learn how crucial it is to practice consistently in order to improve the process.

Continuous Improvement and the Process of Changing the Procedure

The lockdown process that is effective is dynamic. Within the context of this subject, the significance of continuous review and improvement is discussed. You should investigate the ways in which comments, reviews, and actual incidents contribute to the process of improving the method, which ultimately makes it even more effective over time.


  1. Brief Descripiton of Lockdown Procedure in Schools

    The "Lockdown Procedure in Schools" course is designed to provide essential training for school staff on responding to critical situations that may require securing the school premises.
  2. Module 1: Introduction and the Lockdown Officer

    In this course, students will learn about school lockdown officers, their duties, the necessity of the lockdown method, classroom safety, and communication during lockdowns.
  3. Module 2: Reasons for Lockdowns

    Module 2 discusses key causes of lockdown, including local incidents, civil unrest, riots, bank robberies, demonstrations, and threats from smoke plume gas clouds, hazardous factory fires, farm fires, and dangerous animals.
  4. Module 3: The Lockdown Signal and the all Clear Signal

    Welcome to module three, lockdown and all clear. Public address systems like tannoys with live or pre-recorded messages work well here. Some schools don't have this system, however it saves time and can be pre-recorded in a controlled atmosphere.
  5. Module 4: Suitable Rooms for Lockdown

    Lockdown-ready module four emphasizes the importance of classroom safety during lockdowns. It emphasizes the need for staff and students to know the school grounds, ingress and exit routes, lockable doors, and windows.
  6. Module 5: Communication Arrangements

    Module five discusses the importance of secure communication arrangements during lockdowns in schools. It suggests using classroom phones, teaching IM, personal email groups, two-way radios, and cell phones to keep in touch with emergency services and track intruders.
  7. Module 6: Possible Terminology

    It recommends three possible terminology for lockdown procedures. Lockdown should be used only when there is a significant threat of violence, such as a gunman or violent marauder.
  8. Module 7: Violent Intruder Lockdown

    Module 7 focuses on violent intruder lockdown techniques, using the stress acronym Alice. There are five Alice strategies: lockdown, evacuate, inform, counter, and evacuate.
  9. Module 8: Possible Threat or Danger

    Module eight focuses on lockdown procedures for schools, including hold and secure, possible threat, and shelter in situ. Schools should be prepared to escalate lockdown procedures if a warning about air pollution or similar hazards is received.
  10. Module 9: Staff Lockdown Responsibilities

    This module discusses staff lockdown duties, ensuring a calm environment for children. The urgency of information sharing and actions taken by teaching personnel will depend on the threat and the age of the students.
  11. Module 10: Home Office Police Requirements

    This module focuses on home office police needs during lockdown reactions. It emphasizes the importance of understanding the police's requirements and storing information in a crash box or emergency box.
  12. Module 11: Simple Measures and where to Seek Help

    Module 11 provides guidance on installing thumb locks, window mirrors, and one-way films to improve lockdown response in schools. These methods make it harder for intruders to find victims and prevent them from leaving.

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