Assessing Display Screen Equipment

Assessing Display Screen Equipment

Assessing Display Screen Equipment

Overview of Assessing Display Screen Equipment

Greetings from the Display Screen Equipment (DSE) world! We'll give a brief explanation of DSE in this module and discuss why it's crucial to conduct an accurate assessment. The first step to guaranteeing your comfort and wellbeing when using DSE is understanding it.

Dangers & Perils

Now that you are aware of what DSE is, let's examine the possible dangers and concerns that it may present. We'll go over the typical problems that can occur from using DSE incorrectly, such as musculoskeletal pain and eye strain. Understanding these hazards is essential for efficient risk assessment and reduction.

Comfort and Ergonomics

Let's move on to the ergonomics section and talk about how to configure your DSE for maximum comfort and efficiency. To reduce physical strain on your body, learn about appropriate keyboard placement, monitor arrangement, and chair and desk heights. The secret to a healthy DSE configuration is to prioritise ergonomics.

Consistent Evaluation Procedures

We'll discuss the significance of routinely evaluating your DSE setup in this module. Your DSE configuration should adapt over time, just like your demands and workplace do. Learn easy methods for self-evaluation and modification to guarantee continued safety and comfort.

Useful Advice and Materials

Now let's get down to business: we'll provide you a toolkit full of advice and tools to help you evaluate your DSE. You'll discover where to get helpful support and help in maximising your DSE setup, from online tutorials to ergonomic equipment.


  1. Brief Description of Assessing Display Screen Equipment

    This course is meant to be taken by personnel who will be responsible for evaluating the display screen equipment (also known as DSE) set-ups of employees working for businesses that employ people who use display screen equipment (also known as DSE).
  2. Module 1: Introduction to DSE for Risk Assessors

    The course is for companies that employ DSE users or somebody who uses display screen technology frequently at work.
  3. Module 2: Legislation

    The 1992 health and safety display screen equipment regulations and 2002 modifications include DSE safety directives.
  4. Module 3: Protecting Your Body

    For DSE use at work, this module covers body protection. Not following instructions. When using DSES can harm your health.
  5. Module 4: Adjusting Your Chair

    If you use DSE for more than an hour at work, you're probably sitting down. Chairs differ in design, so when making workplace improvements
  6. Module 5: Adjusting Your Screen

    Now that we're comfortable, let's view your screen. Consider the screen's physical position first. It needs a solid horizontal work surface. Glare from or on the screen must be minimized.
  7. Module 6: Work Arrangements

    After creating a safe and comfortable workplace, assess your work arrangements. We focus more on schedules, habits, and patterns than actual space when considering work arrangements.
  8. Module 7: Adjusting the Layout of Your Workstation

    Comfort is important when sitting at your desk, your arms, wrists, hands, and forearms should be horizontal and your eyes should be at screen height.
  9. Module 8: Adjusting Your Work Environment

    We've seen how crucial good chair, work table, screen, and input device setup is for posture. Beyond the physical environment to the DSE technology itself,
  10. Module 9: Risk Assessment Overview

    The remaining modules in this course are for individuals who want to perform professional DSE risk assessments in their daily work.
  11. Module 10: Principles of Sensible Risk Management

    DSE equipment dangers can be controlled. We understand the necessity of adjusting risk assessment to user demands. Such situations require consistency in approach.
  12. Module 11: Key Health and Safety Legislation

    We'll expand on past awareness lessons in this module. All information comes from the 1992 health and safety DSE regulations and 2002 modifications.
  13. Module 12: DSE Hazards and Risks

    We often use hazard and risk interchangeably, yet they're different. This example illustrates the distinction. Imagine a room with a water spill that causes slipping before it's wiped up.
  14. Module 13: DSE Assessments

    We addressed generic risk assessments for the entire work environment and individual risk assessments for users and their workstations, including any DSE as a risk assessor.
  15. Module 14: Control and Prevention Strategies

    We've covered DSE health and safety rules in earlier modules. We investigated the precise improvements needed for a safe and comfortable workplace.
  16. Module 15: Practical Element

    Course completion is approaching. Finally, in this section, evaluate your observation skills to see what you learned from each image.

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